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Power BI Data Preparation in 5 steps

Microsoft Power BI is a fantastic tool for data visualization and business intelligence. But as any data analyst can attest, before you can build metrics and dashboards, you need to spend more than 1/3 of your time preparing and cleaning the dataset for your Power BI instance. Luckily, there is a better way to cut down on this time-consuming task. In this article you will learn.

Master Data Management: Why CXOs Should Embrace MDM

Data has always been an important part of any business. A company’s data is its most valuable asset as it contains information about the procurement of resources to the customer relationship. With the rise of Big Data, more companies are trying to collect and store all information about their customers, products, employees, and other aspects of their operations to better understand them.

Selenium SendKeys: A Detailed Usage Guide

Selenium Sendkeys is a method used in Selenium WebDriver to simulate the typing of a keyboard key in a web application. With the help of this method, you can send data as input to a text field, text area, and other form elements. In this way, Selenium Sendkeys helps you automate the process of entering data into a web application, making it easier and faster to perform various testing tasks using Selenium.

Package.json vs Package-lock.json

Packages are like the different folders on your computer. You may keep pictures in one, videos in another, or even an application for that matter. Technically, it is a symposium of related classes and interfaces. A set of these packages make up a library. So whenever you install one of these libraries or a package on your computer, that gives you all the functional codes required to run a particular service in the program.

The practical guide to QA strategy for startups

Whether you’re formulating your startup’s first QA strategy or you’ve realized your existing strategy is undermining your otherwise-agile methodologies, this post is for you. In this piece, we focus on the practical frameworks and practices that’ll help you lay a strong foundation for quality assurance in your org. Among other things, you’ll learn: Before we get into it: any strategy needs support to succeed.

Automated Release Management: Streamlining iOS App Releases

Our open beta Release Management add-on is now live and centralizes and automates the iOS app release process. Release Management offers a graphical user interface to simplify deployment and automate testing, providing team members and stakeholders with a streamlined way to stay informed about the status of releases. The feature is currently free for all Bitrise users.

Monitoring and optimizing your slowest mobile builds: What, why and how to track

Slow mobile builds can significantly increase wait time during the development process, leading to context switching and reduced productivity. Multiple builds may be required during a pull request review, and slow builds can further prolong the process, particularly if the build fails and needs to be repeated. Read more on how to reduce wait time and improve efficiency throughout the development process with Bitrise Insights.