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Data Warehousing and Data Mesh: Different Types of Goals

The world is full of different types of goals. Consider football. The goal in football is at the end of the field. A runner either crosses the goal or they don't, when trying to make a touchdown. Or, consider basketball. In basketball, when a player shoots the ball, the player’s shot either goes through the net or it doesn’t. Alternatively, consider ice hockey. When a hockey player shoots the puck, it either goes into the net — or it doesn’t.

Introducing Cloudera DataFlow Designer: Self-service, No-Code Dataflow Design

Cloudera has been providing enterprise support for Apache NiFi since 2015, helping hundreds of organizations take control of their data movement pipelines on premises and in the public cloud. Working with these organizations has taught us a lot about the needs of developers and administrators when it comes to developing new dataflows and supporting them in mission-critical production environments.

Defining a Data-Driven Culture to Turn Uncertainty into Possibility

In the past 10 years, the term ‘disruption’ has been abuzz across business and industry circles. Whether succeeding as a disruptive innovator or defending against a challenger as an incumbent, the nature of innovation has focused on the ability to re-imagine and execute business models. The nature of such business models has shifted the trajectory of demand either to totally non-existent markets or delivered from low-end footholds to scale.

Test Automation for ARIA: What it is and why it matters

We are thrilled to announce the launch of Tosca 16.0 and its support for ARIA! Coming in 2025, the European Accessibility Act will require the usage of ARIA semantics, meaning that more and more web applications will be built using it. Tosca 16.0 is one of the first testing tools to support this! We are excited to extend our leadership in inclusive automation including offering the industry’s broadest technology support. But what is ARIA, and why is it important? Read on to learn more.