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Simplifying Authentication for Microservices Security | Jeff Taylor | Okta | Episode 10

Still trying to add auth to each microservice's code? According to Jeff Taylor, Senior Product Manager at @OktaDev there’s an easier way! In this Kongcast, Jeff tells and shows us how to speed up microservices security and take the burden off developers by managing auth with an API gateway.

Kong Builders Livestream - Local Kubernetes development with Kong, minikube, and kind

Kong Builders is the livestream series that takes our developer-focused toolsets and puts them on display in the best venue possible – building applications and connecting workloads. Join Viktor Gamov as he takes a hands-on, practitioner-focused approach to exploring Kong’s tools.

Automated APIs for Scaling Enterprises How to Set Standards and Create Smooth API Implementations

API standards and schemas have helped to automate much of API design, implementation and maintenance — and not a moment too soon. As many tech companies experienced growth spurts in the past year, they ended up with multiple teams working on new products and new APIs. Consequently, they learned that their ways to create well-designed APIs wouldn’t work so easily when multiple teams have to create them.