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Demo: Unravel Data - Optimizing Cloud Costs at the Cluster Level

Most DataOps teams have a huge opportunity when it comes to optimizing their cloud costs. Today, the standard for success of many developers is ensuring that their jobs are running at all costs. The efficiency of those jobs isn’t the top priority. With Unravel, DataOps teams can optimize cloud costs by rightsizing their clusters. Unravel makes it easy to identify clusters that are consuming a large percentage of resources, and drill down to see automatic recommendations to improve the efficiency of those clusters.

Demo: Unravel Data - Automated Troubleshooting for Job Failures

For DataOps teams, job failures are common. But finding the issue is (traditionally) where things get even worse. It can take hours or days to troubleshoot a job failure. Unravel Data provides a single view where DataOps teams can locate exactly where–and why–a job failed, along with precise recommendations to troubleshoot the error. DataOps teams are now able to both diagnose and troubleshoot job failures in minutes instead of days or weeks.

Appian and KPMG Webinar - Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM)

Appian and KPMG discuss the toughest challenges associated with TPRM and how organizations can begin to address them. We discuss how with the right mix of technology, skills, industry experience, and process knowledge, your organization can improve supplier collaboration and institutionalize a TPRM program that supports growth objectives and manages risk.

Demo: Unravel Data - Data Pipeline Optimization (The Easy Way)

Data pipelines fail all the time for a variety of reasons; service downtime, data volume fluctuations, etc. Diagnosing these failures manually is very difficult and time consuming. Unravel Data allows DataOps teams to troubleshoot pipeline failures automatically – showing exactly where and why a pipeline failed, and precise recommendations to remedy the issues. Using Unravel, DataOps teams can now diagnose and fix data pipeline failures in a fraction of the time.

Demo: Unravel Data - Keep DataOps Budgets On Track (Automatically)

Demo: Unravel Data - Keep DataOps Budgets On Track (Automatically) DataOps teams are paying tremendous amounts of money for cloud instances that were spun up and then forgotten. For larger enterprises, this can equate to millions of dollars in waste. But even for smaller teams, this type of inefficiency is not acceptable. With Unravel, your DataOps team can set a budget/cost threshold (or a time duration), to ensure that you keep your budgets on track. Receive alerts as soon as an instance hits your predefined threshold - instead of discovering it in your monthly bills.

Demo: Unravel Data - How to Avoid Tuning & Replatforming Delays

How can your DataOps team anticipate bottlenecks that might occur during a cloud migration? One of the most common issues is version incompatibilities. On prem environments tend to run older instances of applications (vs. newer cloud environments) - which means that your team will need to consider any incompatible code before migrating.

The future of k6, with the k6 CEO and CTO (k6 Office Hours #64)

We're talking about the future of k6 with CEO Robin Gustafsson and CTO Pawel Suwala. What's next for k6? What new features are we working on? What's the plan for further integrations with Grafana? What are the plans for the k6 team as we transition out of the honeymoon period after the Grafana acquisition?