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ThoughtSpot Success Series #1 - Introduction to ThoughtSpot Cloud

Introducing the ThoughtSpot Success Series! Want to expand your knowledge of ThoughtSpot? Want to learn some great tips and tricks? Join ThoughtSpot's Customer Success team and other users like yourself as we discuss various topics in our new Success Series. We'll provide a high-level overview of everything you need to know to get started with ThoughtSpot Cloud.

Testing on Mobile Devices with Location Services

Can I change my mobile location during testing? Why do I need to change my location? What is the difference between GPS and Geo-IP? Do the Location Services behave the same way on Android and iOS? How do I handle location permission alert pop-ups? How should I automate tests that involve location services using Appium commands?

Run a Test with Sauce Connect Proxy

See a demonstration of how to run a Java Selenium test through the Sauce Connect Proxy. This video uses a code sample available publicly (links on See how to quickly start a tunnel, update variables, set the capabilities in your test code, then use the command line flag to test through the secure proxy tunnel that is Sauce Connect so you can run your tests securely using Sauce Labs cloud of devices, and share your test results.

Kong Gateway for Beginners: Adding a Service, Route and Plugins

In this Kong Gateway for beginners guide, you’ll learn how to do the following. Kong Gateway can simplify scaling microservices by being the abstraction layer that routes clients to your existing upstream service while building a new service. It also applies a common policy for each request and response no matter where the target service is. The benefit of this is that you gain architectural freedom and modernize your application without impacting your clients.

The Road to MobileDevTestOps - Kobiton Odyssey 2021 presentation by Moataz Nabil

Join Moataz Nabil for this explainer on MobileDevTestOps, and a description of the common journey mobile engineering organisations go through to reach this stage of continuous testing. This presentation, watched live by attendees of Kobiton's Odyssey 2021 testing conference, explores the role of QA and testing in mobile DevOps processes. Specifically, it deep-dives into the notion of Mobile DevTestOps, it's challenges and how they're addressed by both large and small mobile product engineering organisations.

Enabling kubectl for CDE

The kubectl tool provides direct administrative access to the Kubernetes cluster underlying a CDE service, which is useful for troubleshooting, among other things. This video will demonstrate how to set up kubectl access. To enable kubectl, we will need a couple of prerequisites. We wiil need the kubeconfig file from the CDE service. We will need to get and authorize the IAM user, and then need to make sure that everything is set up correctly, both for kubectl and some other tools like k9s.

Snowflake CEO Frank Slootman Talks Data Cloud Evolution | Rise of The Data Cloud | Snowflake

On the season 2 premiere of the Rise oF The Data Cloud Podcast, host Steve Hamm talks with Snowflake CEO Frank Slootman, and they give us an update on the transition of Snowflake from a private startup to a public company, the impact of the Data Cloud over the past year for organizations across industries, the future of data sharing and much more.