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Demo: Cloudera DataFlow on Data Hub

Cloudera DataFlow for Data Hub makes hybrid use cases possible by extending on-premises flow management, streams messaging, and stream processing and analytics capabilities to the public cloud. Watch an integrated demo of Cloudera DataFlow on Data Hub to understand how easy it is to ingest, process, and analyze your streaming data across multiple public cloud clusters.

Powering your APIs with Kong and AWS Lambda

While the concept of serverless applications has grown over the past years there are plenty of instances where the serverless model doesn’t fit all needs. For those coming from on-premises or hybrid scenarios, moving to serverless might look like needing to move everything or building very differently than you have in the past. In this session we’ll demystify the central component of the serverless movement, AWS Lambda, a serverless compute service that changes how applications are built and managed, but only in some ways.

Practical Implementation of Good Security Hygiene for Mobile Apps | Kong Summit 2020

We all know that we shouldn’t store secrets in mobile apps, but what is the practical alternative? We all know that we should use certificate pinning for our APIs, but how can it be done simply and safely? This talk will describe a real project to explore some of the challenges of implementing good security practice in a large organization and discuss a third-party solution (Approov) which addresses both of the issues above in a relatively simple way using industry standards and working neatly with Kong.