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Android Pickers Explained: Choosing Dates, Times, and Files in Your App

Pickers enable Android developers to minimize error-free input and optimize everyday features of their apps, such as date selection, delivering crucial gains in user experience. Users can validate input data by pressing a single button, and ensure structured input without any typing errors (in fact users don’t need to type an input at all). And we can customize the picker to our specific needs, creating better UI for our users.

Why is cross browser testing more important than you thought?

1. Ensures the application works perfectly and seamlessly on all browsers, devices, platforms, and versions. With Testsigma, automate your cross-browser tests 10X faster on the cloud. Achieve over 70% coverage by testing your apps on over 3000+ real devices/browsers/platform versions on the cloud. Use Testsigma for a higher and faster ROI for your cross-browser test automation.

Onboarding new software on a deadline: Microsoft Visual Studio App Center shutdown

With just two months to go until the deprecation date for Microsoft Visual Studio App Center, it might feel like there’s a mountain to climb. However, with a clear plan and the right resources (spoiler alert: free templates here or at the end of this post), you can turn this challenge into a success story. Let’s get going.

Bitrise helps BuzzFeed optimize its mobile development to grow customer engagement

From the advent of the internet in the 90s to the rise of social media and now AI, the entertainment and media industry keeps evolving rapidly. Through these changes, we've seen the emergence of the 'attention economy', leading media companies to seek out new ways to win the hearts and loyalty of customers and keep them coming back. These shifts in the market and user expectations have led BuzzFeed, a Bitrise customer, to reinvent its audience experience to better serve its loyal customers.