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Adoption of a Cloud Data Platform, Intelligent Data Analytics While Maintaining Security, Governance and Privacy

“You cannot be the same, think the same and act the same if you hope to be successful in a world that does not remain the same.” This sentence by John C. Maxwell is so relevant to rapidly changing cloud hosting technology. Businesses understand the added value and are looking at cloud technologies to handle both operational and analytical workloads.

ML / DL Engineering Made Easy with PyTorch's Ecosystem Tools

This blog post is a first of a series on how to leverage PyTorch’s ecosystem tools to easily jumpstart your ML / DL project. The first part of this blog describes common problems appearing when developing ML / DL solutions, and the second describes a simple image classification example demonstrating how to use Allegro Trains and PyTorch to address those problems.

Yellowfin Embedded Analytics Walkthrough for Developers

Yellowfin is the only enterprise and embedded analytics suite that enables organizations to extract transformational value from their data because we combine action based dashboards, automated data discovery, and data storytelling into a single, integrated platform. Suited to more technical people, this video demonstrates how, with minimal coding effort, you would integrate Yellowfin seamlessly into your application. See how our APIs and Code Mode will enable you to build, embed and extend your product’s analytics capabilities and make your data shine.

Introduction to Yellowfin Embedded Analytics for Developers

Yellowfin provides a spectrum of ways to deliver embedded analytics - from simple rebranding to embedding content like reports or dashboards, to the full application integration that provides your end users with self service reporting and automated data discovery seamlessly from within your application.

Predicting 1st Day Churn in Real Time

Survival analysis is one of the most developed fields of statistical modeling, with many real-world applications. In the realm of mobile apps and games, retention is one of the initial focuses of the publisher once the app or game has been launched. And it remains a significant focus throughout most of the lifecycle of any endeavor.

The benefits of building an on-demand data lake in healthcare

This blog was written in partnership with Navdeep Alam, Senior Director, Global Data Warehouse, IQVIA Healthcare is unique. It isn’t defined like other businesses by how much revenue can be generated, but more in terms of achieving positive health outcomes, better value, and saving lives through the rapid development of new treatments and therapies.

Lumada Analytics Roadmap For A Better Data Culture

Struggling to extract insights and actionable intelligence from your data? With more data science and analytic solutions available today, do the handoffs among data scientists, IT and the business continue to disrupt your analytics value chain or are they becoming even more difficult? We’ve seen this cause “data despair” and decelerate investments in analytics and machine learning projects. In fact, only a quarter of organizations believe that they are actually building the “data culture” that fosters success.

How To Weave Multicloud Data Fabric: Roadmap Session On Lumada Edge Intelligence

Like most enterprises, you are generating huge volumes of structured, semi- and unstructured data at edge devices, core data centers and even public clouds. How can you more easily manage your data across all your repositories and avoid delaying your applied use of analytics? Our answer is to weave a multicloud data fabric for you that simplifies connecting data repositories from the edge to the core and to the cloud. This helps you gain quicker business insights with a scalable and cost-effective approach. Join this session to get an in-depth view of our upcoming Lumada Data Services product vision and strategy.