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Audit Logging for Micro-Integrator

When you are running a micro-integrator on a microservices environment, administrators who have admin access to the micro-integrator are able to change its configurations via admin services API. When someone needs to debug the system and find out which person did what change, then the micro-integrator needs to keep a log of activities performed on the micro-integrator. Audit logs are simply a set of logs that let you find what are the changes performed on the micro-integrator instance. Audit logs feature support from the APIM 4.1.0 onward.

Differentiate or Drown: Managing Modern-Day Data

What are the top three mega-trends for data leaders this year (and beyond)? In this episode, we tackle cloud data platforms, the five sub-disciplines of observability, and real-time machine learning. During our conversation with Kevin Petrie, Vice President of Research at Eckerson Group, we’ll tackle: Ready to learn more about managing the modern-day mountains of data at our fingertips? Let’s dive in.

Data Legends Podcast: Differentiate or Drown: Managing Modern-Day Data

What are the top three mega trends for data leaders this year (and beyond)? In this episode, we tackle cloud data platforms, the five sub disciplines of observability, and real-time machine learning. Listen to our conversation with Kevin Petrie, Vice President of Research at Eckerson Group. Hear the Answers to these Questions: Why a cloud data platform is a common destination with many routes? Which tools to standardize the different classes of observability? How the interrelationship between model observability and ML works?

Data Legends Podcast: Musings on Data Lakes, Computer Science, AI & More

When it comes to building new products, there’s a fine line between which pieces of the puzzle should be owned by humans with deep domain knowledge, and which aspects can or should be automated through AI. How far can the boundary be pushed? We speak with Jeremy Foran, Chief Technology Officer at Purple Cow Internet, about his new role as CTO at a fast-growing internet service provider.

Data Legends Podcast Episode 2, Amr Awadallah

Historically, knowledge has been relatively siloed by language. But with advancements in AI, there are now more opportunities than ever to capture broader and deeper insights across the written and spoken word by breaking down language and distance barriers globally. Listen to our conversation with Amr Awadallah, Founder and CEO at ZIR AI and former technology exec at Cloudera, Google, and Yahoo.

Data Legends Podcast: Making Sense of Data Quality Amongst Current Seasonality & Uncertainty

When providing the data to support marketing, it's important to frame and validate its quality based on whether it meets "the six C’s." Is the data clean, complete, correct, comprehensive, chosen well, and calculable? In our conversation with Christopher Penn, Co-Founder and Chief Data Scientist at, we discuss numerous questions many in the industry are asking today.

Store & Access Information at Scale: How Drawbacks Lead to Innovation

Ever since there was a need to both store and access information, there has been both physical and logical means to achieve it. Everything from stone tablets to paper, to a prolifera of technology in the digital age. As information became easier to create, databases were built to give it structure to simplify its access, accompanied by characteristics to improve performance and scale.

Making Sense of Data Quality Amongst Current Seasonality & Uncertainty

When providing the data to support marketing, it's important to frame and validate its quality based on whether it meets "the six C’s." In our conversation with Christopher Penn, Co-Founder and Chief Data Scientist at, we discuss questions many in the industry are asking today.