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Ghost Inspector

Webinar: Getting the most out of Ghost Inspector

Here at Ghost Inspector even some of our power users will ask, "Am I using Ghost Inspector to its full potential?" Maybe Ghost Inspector is so easy to use that sometimes it can feel like it’s too easy? Join us for this webinar on June 24th where our founder Justin Klemm will be covering advanced use cases and best practices when it comes to getting the most out of Ghost Inspector. We’ll cover nooks and crannies of our features that you may have missed and help unlock Ghost Inspector to the max!

Web Accessibility & Automated Testing w/Ghost Inspector for GAAD 2021

May 20th, 2021 marks the 10th annual Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). According to the team at GAAD an estimate 1 billion people worldwide have disabilities, common disabilities include hearing, cognitive, visual, and motor. The web is an essential resource in many aspects of life. It's important that we provide equal access and equal opportunity to people with diverse abilities. Access to information and communications technologies (including websites and web apps) is defined as a basic human right in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Testing Before Releasing with Ghost Inspector and Netlify

We've recently released a new plugin for Netlify that allows you to automatically run Ghost Inspector tests on every deploy, including deploy previews! By default, Netlify deploys your production branch on every change. To enable deploys for other branches, follow the Netlify instructions: With branch deploys enabled, you can now run Ghost Inspector tests on your website before deploying to production!

Test Management with QADeputy & Ghost Inspector

Quality assurance is a broad initiative. Ghost Inspector strives to be an all-in-one tool when it comes to browser automation. However, QA teams often use a range of products to cover all their testing needs, like API testing and load testing. This can lead to testing-related data being scattered in various places. QADeputy is a service that aims to centralize your QA operations — and it integrates nicely with Ghost Inspector.

Continuous Integration Testing for WordPress

While continuous integration is a common practice for most development teams, the stateful nature of WordPress makes it difficult, but not impossible, to setup. For our open source WordPress plugin, we wanted to integrate our standard build and test process for every pull request using CircleCI. While it might be easier to setup a permanent staging environment, we wanted every build to be isolated for dependable testing.