Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


What's New in Kong Gateway 3.2 and Kong Ingress Controller 2.9

Join us for our March User Call where we will show you all new features and updates in Kong Gateway 3.2 and Kong Ingress Controller 2.9. Tom Brightbill (Group Product Manager) will show you all new and exciting updates in Kong Gateway 3.2. In the new release, you will find new key functionality for everyone who operates Kong Enterprise in a hybrid environment, which further enhances its reliability.

Building a Cloud Agnostic API Platform - Design and Best Practices

In this episode of our Tech Talk series, Siddharth Saikumar (Cloud Security Engineering, Vanguard) and Ragunath Sudalaimuthu (Lead Software Engineer, Lowe’s) will show us design and best practices for building a cloud agnostic API platform. Digital modernization accelerated the API ecosystem in every organization. A successful API strategy is paramount to an organization’s growth trajectory.

Multi-Tenancy and Kong: An Architectural Guide

Engineering organizations building modern API-driven systems have different priorities when it comes to their API management solution. These priorities will drive design decisions about the deployment of various components for API gateways. Some organizations are looking to optimize compute resource utilization, helping to control costs or reduce operational toil.

How and Why to Migrate from Kong Open Source to Kong Konnect

Kong Konnect is a powerful SaaS-based API lifecycle management platform that provides a fast path for people looking to get started with Kong API Gateway. For existing users of Kong’s open-source gateway, it offers a way to rapidly take advantage of a scalable, highly-available architecture while upgrading to an Enterprise-class feature set and support options.

What's New in Kong Enterprise 3.2?

We’re happy to announce the general availability of Kong Enterprise 3.2. In this release, we’ve taken significant steps to ensure the smooth and reliable operation of our API management solution. In Kong Enterprise 3.2, we’ve delivered key functionality for customers that operate Kong Enterprise in a hybrid environment in order to further enhance its reliability. Specifically, we’ve expanded Kong Enterprise’s capabilities in the following areas.

API Secrets Management: Integrating Kong Gateway with Your Favorite Identity Manager

What is Kong Secrets Management? Kong Secrets Management is a new feature that allows you to safely store and retrieve secrets used throughout the Kong Gateway deployment, improving the fundamental security of your applications. Securing your entire Kong deployment with centralized secrets makes it easier to manage and build governance around your Kong deployments.

Kuma Gateway API: Your Secret Weapon for Multi-region and Universal API Connectivity | #kuma

🐻 In this episode of #kongbuilders @ViktorGamov , a principal developer advocate at kong, talks to Mike Beaumont, Software Engineer at @KongInc about deploying a mesh spanning multiple regions and using Kong Mesh’s built-in, Envoy-based Gateway for directing traffic.

APISecOps Tutorial: Delivering APIs Securely Together with Kong Konnect and Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)

Red Hat OpenShift is the industry’s leading enterprise Kubernetes platform that runs ubiquitously across on-prem, and the cloud. With Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA), a managed Red Hat OpenShift platform that runs natively on AWS, it is even easier to get kick-started on an enterprise-ready instance of Red Hat OpenShift in the cloud. Kong similarly distinguishes itself as a multi-platform, multi-cloud API Management solution pushing the vision of APIs.

Debugging Kong Requests: 7 Kong Gateway Troubleshooting Tips

Developers will remember times when they were trying to figure out why something they were working on wasn’t behaving as expected. Hours of frustration, too much (or perhaps never enough) caffeine consumed, and sotto voce curses uttered. And then — as if by fate — the issue is narrowed down to a simple oversight that makes perfect sense upon discovery. Problem solved!