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Introducing Profile Dashboards in Moesif

We are excited to announce that Profile Dashboards are now live within Moesif! We have designed Profile Dashboards to enable customer-facing teams with a convenient way to monitor and analyze your customer’s account health. This new feature provides customer specific information in an easy and consistent fashion. Profile Dashboards allow you to see a personalized dashboard for specific users and companies.

Debugging Your APIs with Postman and Moesif

Debugging APIs can be a challenge for any developer dealing with RESTful APIs. Trying to create an exact API request, especially for highly complex requests with large API request bodies and multiple headers, is essential but also tough to do. By using a tool like Postman to create a request for debugging purposes and as an API client, you can easily replay an API request with the exact configuration of the original request.

Keep A Pulse on Your Account Health with Profile View

The Moesif product team has been staying very busy as of late! We have been listening to our partners and gathering feedback, and what we have heard is an outpouring of requests for new tooling that provides a 360-degree-vantage-point into your customers’ account health. As a result, we are very excited to announce that we have released our newest feature: Profile Dash View.

Debugging a Node js Express API in VS Code Debugger

When we create software, we rarely do it without errors. API creation isn’t exempt from this fact, so sooner or later we’ll need to debug it. In JavaScript, the first stop for a debugging task is often logging to the console, but using a debugger can give us a more integrated experience. Node js is a cross platform and open source JavaScript runtime environment that allows the JavaScript to be run on the server-side.

How to Integrate Moesif and Stripe to Easily Monetize Your APIs

Once you decide to monetize your app or APIs, the journey begins to find a simple and robust solution for billing. At Moesif, we know that a billing solution is actually really tough to implement. Getting your product from “0-to-monetization” is not always a straightforward path, even if it should be. Our no-code approach to billing is a simple and elegant way to very rapidly gain the capability to bill customers for usage.

How to set up usage-based billing with Stripe and Moesif for your API

A good business model is one that can easily generate revenue. Often, when developers build something it could easily be packaged and used by another organization. This is extremely true when it comes to APIs. If an API is solving a well-known problem, there is likely a market for it. Being able to expose an API for public consumption can be done in many ways, a popular option being using an API gateway. The real hurdle comes when you decide to start billing for usage.

How to Debug an Unresponsive Elasticsearch Cluster

Elasticsearch is an open-source search engine and analytics store used by a variety of applications from search in e-commerce stores, to internal log management tools using the ELK stack (short for “Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana”). As a distributed database, your data is partitioned into “shards” which are then allocated to one or more servers.

Easily Monetize Your APIs with Moesif Plus Recurly

It’s always great to build something that makes money. The most successful businesses often find the easiest and most efficient ways to make money, while keeping costs and support to a minimum. After all, the best businesses and products are simply the ones that know how to build revenue. Many companies now look to monetizing their APIs as part of their overall monetization strategy. API monetization isn’t always easy though.