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What Is An API Product?

We’ve all heard the terms API product or API-as-a-product. The terms themselves seemed to be used quite freely, leaving some of us with an assumption of what is meant but without a really solid grasp. As joining and contributing to the API economy becomes more desirable, API products are a crucial part of any business that is looking to tap into it. So asking “what is an API product?” is a really relevant question with many different angles.

API Meetup: The Developer-Led Landscape with Tyler Jewell

Venture Capitalist Tyler Jewell of Dell Technologies Capital shares his thesis on the Developer-Led Landscape, including what's in store for entrepreneurs with the new headwinds of 2022. Tyler is a Managing Director with Dell Technologies Capital leading early stage and growth investments in cloud infrastructure, DevOps, and the Developer-led Landscape. He sits on the boards of NS1, Lightbend, Orion Labs and Previously, he placed $151M in DevOps companies and was rewarded with 8 exits. He's also been a 3x operating CEO/COO, including CEO at WS02.

How To Create Regex Sample Rate Rules | Dynamic Sampling | Moesif in 100 Seconds

Dynamic sampling enables you to control which API calls are logged to Moesif based on customer or API behavior. This video will show you how to create sampling rules using regex within Moesif. Dynamic sampling is a fantastic cost-savings feature available to customers on our Enterprise plan. Moesif will intelligently extrapolate metrics for accurate reporting even with multiple sample rates in place. That means that no matter what rules or sample rates you have set up you can be sure you are still seeing an accurate representation of your data.

How To Create Company Behavior Sample Rate Rules | Dynamic Sampling | Moesif in 100 Seconds

Dynamic sampling enables you to control which API calls are logged to Moesif based on customer or API behavior. This video will show you how to create sampling rules based on company behavior or demographics via Saved Cohorts within Moesif. Dynamic sampling is a fantastic cost-savings feature available to customers on our Enterprise plan. Moesif will intelligently extrapolate metrics for accurate reporting even with multiple sample rates in place. That means that no matter what rules or sample rates you have set up you can be sure you are still seeing an accurate representation of your data.

How To Create User Behavior Sample Rate Rules | Dynamic Sampling | Moesif in 100 Seconds

Dynamic sampling enables you to control which API calls are logged to Moesif based on customer or API behavior. This video will show you how to create sampling rules based on user behavior or demographics via Saved Cohorts within Moesif. Dynamic sampling is a fantastic cost-savings feature available to customers on our Enterprise plan. Moesif will intelligently extrapolate metrics for accurate reporting even with multiple sample rates in place. That means that no matter what rules or sample rates you have set up you can be sure you are still seeing an accurate representation of your data.

Ready, Set, Product Led Growth

The meteoric rise of Product-Led Growth, or PLG, has transformed business within the world of technology. One sector in particular has found incredibly fertile ground, that being, API-driven companies. This is in part because API-driven companies offer an easy-to-adopt platform that is highly customizable. Top product led growth companies Twilio and Stripe are often listed as the luminaries in the API space, because of their disruptive approach and their wildly high valuations.

How To Create Company Sample Rate Rules | Dynamic Sampling | Moesif in 100 Seconds

Dynamic sampling enables you to control which API calls are logged to Moesif based on customer or API behavior. This video will show you how to create sampling rules specific to a company within Moesif. Dynamic sampling is a fantastic cost-savings feature available to customers on our Enterprise plan. Moesif will intelligently extrapolate metrics for accurate reporting even with multiple sample rates in place. That means that no matter what rules or sample rates you have set up you can be sure you are still seeing an accurate representation of your data.

How To Create User Sample Rate Rules | Dynamic Sampling | Moesif in 100 Seconds

Dynamic sampling enables you to control which API calls are logged to Moesif based on customer or API behavior. This video will show you how to create sampling rules specific to a user within Moesif. Dynamic sampling is a fantastic cost-savings feature available to customers on our Enterprise plan. Moesif will intelligently extrapolate metrics for accurate reporting even with multiple sample rates in place. That means that no matter what rules or sample rates you have set up you can be sure you are still seeing an accurate representation of your data.

What Is Product-Led Growth and Why Is It Critical for API-First Companies?

There’s a common misconception that product-led growth means a business doesn’t focus on sales. That’s not the case. It’s just that product-led growth layers in sales later in the customer journey. This can be a hugely effective approach, particularly when it’s combined with deep data insights to drive that growth. For API-first companies, this product-led approach is a cornerstone of success.