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Advanced Fastify: Hooks, Middleware, and Decorators

In the first article of this series, we introduced Fastify and compared it to Express, highlighting the benefits of switching to Fastify for high-performance web applications. We also explored Fastify's plugin system in detail, showing you how to extend and customize your web applications with reusable modules. In this part, we'll dive deeper into some of Fastify's more advanced concepts.

Manage Your Ruby Logs Like a Pro

Logs are essential to any application's development. Most Ruby logs are verbose and chunky, so digging for exactly what you need can be difficult. Even though they contain useful information, you might not get as much value as you should from logs if you don't know how to use them effectively. In this article, we'll explore: Let's get started.

An Introduction to Async Stack Traces in Node.js

Node.js 12.x onwards introduced async stack traces. Async stack traces allow developers to view the call stack of asynchronous code, making it easier to trace and debug code issues. In this post, we’ll see how async stack traces work, how you can use them to debug code, and how to track them using AppSignal. Ready? Let's get going!

Organize Business Logic in Your Ruby on Rails Application

With its strong emphasis on convention over configuration, Ruby on Rails has counteracted many architectural considerations that caused bikeshedding when building web applications. Still, one area that has continuously piqued developers' interest is how to handle business logic, i.e., code that epitomizes "what an app does." Another way to phrase this question is: Where do we put all the transactional code?

Integrate and Troubleshoot Inbound Emails with Action Mailbox in Rails

If you’ve ever looked at the Request for Comments (RFCs) around sending and receiving emails, you’ll see the technical complications involved when hitting send in your email inbox. Thankfully, many existing tools provide the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) service for us developers — from a Postfix server you manage to a fully scalable sending service such as SendGrid, Amazon SES, or Postmark.

Getting Started with Fastify for Node.js

Chances are high that you've previously worked with Express, as it's been the go-to web framework for Node.js developers since its release in 2010. However, in recent years, newer web frameworks have emerged, and Express's development has slowed down significantly. Fastify is a relatively new player on the scene, but it's quickly gaining popularity due to its speed and unique features. If you're still using Express, you might wonder if it's worth switching to Fastify.