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The latest News and Information on Software Testing and related technologies.

What Makes Device Farms So Crucial For Software Testing?

The Mobile app market is growing at an incredible rate. As of January 2022, over 3.57 million apps were available for download on the Google Play Store, which is only expected to grow in the coming years. With so many apps on the market, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for developers to stand out. One way to ensure that your app is of the highest quality and has the best chance of success is to test it on various devices. This is where Device Farms come in.

How to report an issue using a bug report template?

In the software development lifecycle, reporting a bug issue is essential. If done correctly will improve the productivity of the development team. Otherwise, it can slow down the entire pipeline. Hence, it would be best if you always write a good and detailed bug report that can help the development team to find and fix the bug without facing any challenges.

Automated Visual UI Testing on the Katalon Platform

Quality on the UI matters – and visual testing does too. The Katalon platform pairs automated functional and UI testing to help teams deliver applications that win: win time-to-market and win the trust of digital customers. With AI-infused into the solution, no additional third-party tools or extensions are needed to highlight critical mismatches in layout, colors, fonts, and misplacement of visual elements.

Hybrid performance testing with k6 (k6 Office Hours #71)

What is hybrid performance testing? It's an approach that involves writing and executing browser- and protocol-level testing scripts, but it does come with its own challenges. On this week's k6 Office Hours, Developer Advocates Marie Cruz and Leandro Melendez (Señor Performo) discuss the best practices for running hybrid performance tests with k6.

How to Measure the Business Value with Effective Data Quality Governance

Governance plays a pivotal role in any industry, domain, or technology, from operational governance to strategic governance. Any governance strategy can be effective only when you have the data for effective decision making and decision intelligence. With the advent of technology, decision support has evolved to decision augmentation and is evolving towards better decision automation, and every decision is tied to metrics, KPIs, and dashboards.

Software Inspection v Software Testing: How do they differ?

When it comes to software development, we are often swamped with varied quality assurance terms that seem to have the same meaning. For instance, we confuse software testing types with software inspection. To give you a brief background: developed by IBM in the early 1970s, the term software inspection came into the picture when it was noticed that software testing wasn’t enough to attain high-quality software. So, what’s the difference between inspection and testing?

How Automated Visual Testing Will Redefine the Testing Pyramid

Even the best error-free code is sometimes foiled in the visual rendering stage. You’ve done everything right — but even so, the screen resolution threw off your grid or a pop-up banner that covered your call-to-action button. Now your website is losing out on conversions, or your app is frustrating users who are unable to perform basic functions. Visual tests identify these kinds of issues before they reach your end users.

How mobile apps fuel the digital transformation of businesses

Today, the world is much more connected than it was a few years ago. Smartphones have brought an explosion of new technologies and applications that have fundamentally changed our lives. Why so? It's down to mobile applications. Mobile apps play a vital role in the broader process that advocates for digital transformation.