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The latest News and Information on Software Testing and related technologies.

KissFront: Lighthouse as a Service

KissFront is a web performance monitoring tool running Lighthouse continuously or on-demand (using Lighthouse as a service) to monitor your website performance and get insights on speed with modern performance metrics. Lighthouse is an open-source automated tool for analysing and improving the quality of web pages with audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO and best practices.

How to Estimate a Software Project Timeline

One of the first steps in getting a new project underway is figuring out how much time and resources you'll need to allocate to getting the job done. But estimating these numbers can be challenging even for experienced teams. Here are some of the reasons that our engineering team think estimates are important, and the guidelines we use for making estimating project timelines a little less painful.

Introducing Katalon Store-An All-new Plugin Marketplace

Our team at Katalon is thrilled to introduce Katalon Store (beta)—a collaborative marketplace for the Katalon community to use and create add-on products that extend the testing capability of Katalon Studio. Katalon Store serves as a platform for testers and developers to install add-on products, also known as ‘plugins,’ to help our users add more features and optimize test automation strategies in Katalon Studio. Users can install, manage, rate and write reviews for plugins.

Implementing a Single Framework for API and UI Testing 1

Test automation for both the API and UI layers is a must-have skill in 2019. APIs are inescapable in today's software architecture - acting as the glue to link together disparate data to provide a wide variety of services for users on one digital platform. API testing is truly the sweet spot of testing modern software applications to exponentially increase their test coverage, testing thousands of scenarios in a matter of seconds.

February Features: Improving QA Metrics & Visibility with Rainforest

Getting the insights you need quickly is essential to understanding and improving your QA process. With that in mind, we’re rolling out a few new features and updates to help teams gain insight into the state of software testing for their team quickly and efficiently.

Setting Your QA Team Up for Success in 2019

With the new year in full swing, many QA teams are looking for ways to level up their processes and skill sets to have a big impact in 2019. We sat down with Rainforest’s QA Strategist and Consultant Melissa Tondi to discuss the challenges and trends the industry can look forward to this year. Read our interview with Melissa below for her take on the biggest issues QA teams face and what steps teams should take in 2019 to ensure a successful year.

How to Master Manual Testing

Since starting out in 2011, we at Mobile Jazz have been privileged to build some of the world’s most popular apps, accumulating a combined total of over 500 million downloads across all our products. When dealing with apps of this reach and popularity, testing is crucial: a slight glitch that sneaks through the QA process will result in a deluge of complaints.