Forecast Performance | Databox 101 | Chapter 4.2

Forecast Performance | Databox 101 | Chapter 4.2

Aug 6, 2024

How many deals will you close next month? How many website sessions will you get? How many impressions will your social channels get? When you don’t know what your performance will be, it’s hard to set realistic goals, craft plans, or have the right team in place.

Databox Forecasts helps you predict future performance so you can make more accurate plans now.

In this video, you’ll learn:

0:00 - Intro

0:36 - How to Forecast the performance of your metrics and KPIs

1:45 - How to customize your Forecasting period

2:25 - How to read your Forecast chart

2:48 - How to account for seasonality and holidays in your Forecasts

3:18 - How to save your Forecast to track progress over time

3:50 - How to view historical Forecasts

Keep watching to learn:
How to Benchmark your performance -

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