How Not to Drown in Numbers | Sudheesh Nair (ThoughtSpot) & Jai Das (Sapphire Ventures)

How Not to Drown in Numbers | Sudheesh Nair (ThoughtSpot) & Jai Das (Sapphire Ventures)

A replay from Slush 2023: How Not to Drown in Numbers — Data as a Springboard to Success We are a generation drowning in data.

Accumulating endlessly, it is useless without analysis. And while it’s crucial for success, one outdated or missed fact can drag you under. How can businesses leverage accurate data quickly to take meaningful action?

Sudheesh Nair, CEO of ThoughtSpot, and Jai Das, President, Partner and Co-Founder, of Sapphire Ventures, illuminate how AI-powered analytics and the correct approach to delivering a modern data experience will save time and turn data into a trusty springboard for stellar decision-making. After all- if you ask the right questions, you get powerful answers.

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