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Rob Galbraith: The 7 Fatal Flaws of Insurance, Part 1

With the onslaught of hyperautomation, it’s easy to assume insurance is stodgy and boring. But don’t be fooled. Yes, the industry has its flaws—some of them fatal. But over the next decade, technology will revolutionize insurance more than it has in the past three decades combined.

Github vs Gitlab: An Impartial Guide

In our latest tools guide, we wanted to gather insights from a number of real users of these two giants in the Git & version control space to help you decide between using Github or Gitlab for your latest software development project. “GitHub is a common and easy-to-use website to host code in a way that's shareable with a large number of people”, states Melanie, Content Director at KitelyTech.

How to strengthen your company's data literacy

Those who use data wisely have competitive advantages and more profits. As a result, companies are increasing their focus on improving their data literacy. For example, the importance of data has led companies like AppNexus1 and Chevron2 to conduct internal data science competitions to identify and hone analytical talent. But, as noted in the kickoff blog post to our series on data-driven organizations, merely having data does not ensure you have a useful interpretation of that data.

Top 5 JavaScript Test Automation Frameworks in 2021

JavaScript consistently ranks as the world’s most popular programming language among developers. It should come as no surprise, then, that a variety of JavaScript test automation frameworks are available to help developers test JavaScript apps. Here’s a look at the top five such frameworks, with tips on the pros and cons of each.

Engineering Industry Embracing Qlik's SaaS Analytics to Address Environmental and Sustainability Concerns

Working in the engineering field means navigating a variety of needs. Those range from meeting various local and national regulatory statutes, to measuring and monitoring delivery of essential outputs like drinking water and power supply, to understanding the data surrounding regional operations on both the supply and demand side. Organizations that serve this market operate behind the scenes, yet impact our daily life in the United States.

GraphQL: Building a consistent approach for the API consumer

Developers use application programming interfaces, or APIs, to assemble data and functionality for new mobile or web apps, but when it comes to interacting with APIs, developers are often faced with two popular options: REST or GraphQL. In this article, we’ll explore how these approaches compare, and we’ll offer REST API best practices that can be applied to build a more consistent experience for GraphQL API consumers.

RabbitMQ vs Apache Kafka: Comparing Message Brokers and Event Streaming Platforms

In an event-driven architecture, event routers are the components that connect event consumers to event producers. Not all implementations of event routers are the same, nor do any of them offer an all-purpose solution, so deciding which one to use depends on your use case and project's needs. Understanding their capabilities and limitations provides key insights that empower you to confidently decide which one to use and prepare you to navigate its shortcomings.