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WSO2 Identity Server User Authentication in a Next.js Application

Next.js is an open source React web development framework built on top of Node.js. The Next.js framework is known for: With the help of the NextAuth.js library, I will explain how to authenticate a user in a Next.js application with WSO2 Identity Server. NextAuth is an open source authentication solution for Next.js applications. More information about NextAuth.js is available here.

The Complete Guide to API Tokens

The use of APIs has rapidly been on the rise over the last several years. In fact, data shows that nearly 90% of developers are using APIs and REST APIs in some capacity. APIs or application programming interfaces refer to functions that allow applications to access data and interact with external software components, operating systems, and microservices. Essentially, the main goal of an API is to enable multiple applications to communicate with one another as APIs.
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How to innovate faster with API Management - Why API utilisation must improve to meet transformation demands

Without effective management and reuse, APIs will not deliver their digital transformation potential. There is an urgent need to make application programming interfaces (APIs) efficient and utilised more effectively. This need is being driven by the rapidly increased rate of digitisation that customers and business lines are demanding from CIOs and CTOs. APIs are a powerful tool that can be employed to deliver competitive advantage and market differentiation, the two biggest demands being placed on the technology team.

WSO2 Launches WSO2 Private CIAM Cloud to Deliver Best-in-Class CIAM Support for Both B2B and B2C Demands

WSO2 also delivers stronger analytics, typing biometric authentication, multi-attribute login, and added device support with today's releases of WSO2 Identity Server 6.0 and WSO2 Private CIAM Cloud.

How to Test Autoscaling in Kubernetes

In an ideal world, you want to have precisely the capacity to manage the requests of your users, from peak periods to off-peak hours. If you need three servers to attend to all the requests at peak periods and just one server at off-peak hours, running three servers all the time is going to drive up expenses, and running just one server all the time is going to mean that during peak periods, your systems will be overwhelmed and some clients will be denied service.

API-first development and the case for API mocking

One morning, you realize you have a great idea for an API. You discuss it with your team, then start building out the business case and technical requirements. Where do you go from there? You could write out the business requirements for the API and then code it. Or you could describe your API in a specification language, like OpenAPI, and use that definition to improve your team's understanding of the API and do some early testing. But are either of these the best solution?

An Overview of API Lifecycle Management

Understanding the stages of API lifecycle management offers an overhead look at application programming interfaces so you can find opportunities for improvement. Below, you will find the three major stages of an API lifecycle. Each section offers a closer look at the steps professionals often address when optimizing API strategy, functionality, access control, workflows, and other critical features.

Account Locking in WSO2 Identity Server #Identityin15

In this episode, we will be discussing all about account locking in the WSO2 Identity Server. There are two main types of Account Locking in the IS which are Admin-Initiated Account Locking and Account Locking due to Failed Login Attempts. In this session we will be discussing these types in depth and how you can enforce them.

Video: Cloud Native Traffic Replay

With the introduction of new application platforms like Kubernetes, oftentimes the DevOps tooling around it needs to evolve. Cloud Native technology is powerful but complex. This 5 minute demo video shows how Speedscale provides production simulation capabilities so you can check for resiliency, quality and scalability in your Kubernetes clusters. You can record data and traffic in production and replay sanitized traffic on the fly against a new cluster.