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July 2024

What Makes Data-in-Motion Architectures a Must-Have for the Modern Enterprise

Cloudera’s data-in-motion architecture is a comprehensive set of scalable, modular, re-composable capabilities that help organizations deliver smart automation and real-time data products with maximum efficiency while remaining agile to meet changing business needs. In this blog, we will examine the “why” behind streaming data and review some high-level guidelines for how organizations should build their data-in-motion architecture of the future.

Zero Downtime Upgrades - Redefining Your Platform Upgrade Experience

Cloudera recently unveiled the latest version of Cloudera Private Cloud Base with the Zero Downtime Upgrade (ZDU) feature to enhance your user experience. The goal of ZDU is to make upgrades simpler for you and your stakeholders by increasing the availability of Cloudera’s services.

Introducing Cloudera Observability Premium

There’s nothing worse than wasting money on unnecessary costs. In on-premises data estates, these costs appear as wasted person-hours waiting for inefficient analytics to complete, or troubleshooting jobs that have failed to execute as expected, or at all. They manifest as idle hardware waiting for urgent workloads to come in, ensuring sufficient spare capacity to run them amidst noisy neighbors and resource-hungry, lower-priority workloads.