Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

October 2022

Introducing Kong Gateway Operator

Kong Gateway Operator is a next-generation deployment mechanism founded on the operator pattern that allows Kong Gateways to be provisioned in a dynamic and Kubernetes-native way, enabling automation of #Kong cluster operations and management of the Gateway lifecycle. In this video @Viktor Gamov , a principal developer advocate with @Kong demonstrates how to install Kong Gateway Operator, how to enable HTTP routes and how to upgrade Kong Gateway in seconds without downtime.

Building your Cloud Nervous System: Kong CEO and Co-Founder, Augusto Marietti, Kong Summit 2022

APIs are the building blocks of modern applications. They have become the neural network of the cloud. Behind every interface, millions of APIs power the experience. Watch Kong's Chief Executive Officers and Co-Founder, August Marietti's recorded Kong Summit 2022 keynote to understand how APIs have transformed over the last 10 years, and what's on the horizon for Kong. Dive into product demos from Kong experts, and hear first hand insights on case studies from Kong Enterprise customers.

Building an API vision to transform your business: Kong CTO, Co-Founder Marco Palladino, Kong Summit

Kong began as concept in 2009. Today, Kong has nearly 10 Trillion API calls per month. APIs allow us to break down the silos, opening the doors across what every team is doing. Join Kong CTO and Co-founder Marco Palladino in his Kong Summit 2022 Keynote, as he covers the new frontier of API management technology. Hear customer stories and see a product demo to learn how an API vision can transform a business.

Can You Smell What Kong Is Cooking? Principal Developer Advocate, Viktor Gamov, Kong Summit 2022

Can You Smell What Kong Is Cooking? Kong Principal Developer Advocate review all the highlights, major announcements, and most enlightening moments from Day 1 of Kong Summit 2022, and brings on special guests to dive deep in some Kong product demos.

Writing an eBPF/XDP load-balancer in Rust

In today’s cloud ecosystem the demands for high functioning and high performance observability, security and networking functionality for applications and their network traffic are as high as ever. Historically a great deal of this kind of functionality has been implemented in userspace, but the ability to program these kinds of things directly into the operating system can be very beneficial to performance.

G2 Ranks Kong in Top 5 API Management Tools

Users continue to give Kong top rankings in the Fall 2022 G2 reports, landing Kong in the leader quadrant in the API Management Tools G2 Grid and the Top 5 Easiest to Use API Management Tools. There are plenty of reasons why Kong is king when it comes to API management. But don’t just take our word for it! See what some of our users have to say.

Introducing Kong Gateway 3.0 [User Call]

Kong Gateway 3.0 is now out and it's bringing a ton of useful functionality for you all to use. It's adding OpenTelemetry tracing, advanced secrets management and a brand new router in addition to the usual performance increases. Michael Heap (Director of Developer Experience at Kong) takes you through the deprecations, breaking changes and brand new features that you need to be aware of in Kong Gateway 3.0.

Tech Talk - Service Mesh and GitOps Beyond Kubernetes

The #container adoption journey may be simple for experienced practitioners in greenfield development -but many established enterprises still face the daunting beginning of this journey, carrying the weight of complex monolithic applications on traditional compute. Join Kat and Christian as they extend #servicemesh and #GitOps beyond the boundaries of #Kubernetes. In this talk, you’ll learn.

Integration testing made easy with Oleg Šelajev | Kongcast Episode 21

In this episode of Kongcast, @Viktor Gamov , a principal developer advocate at @Kong joined by @Oleg Šelajev , Head of DevRel at @AtomicJar to talk about testing complex infrastructures (data systems, microservices, messaging systems) using containers, and specifically open source library called Testcontainers.

Enabling Multi-Region for Kong Konnect Cloud

Since the initial launch of Kong Konnect Cloud, one common feature request has (unsurprisingly) been Multi-Region support. Many customers look for SaaS solutions that support a distributed service architecture. Even at its inception, our goal was to support more than a single region. Today, we’re happy to announce Multi-Region Support for Kong Konnect Cloud.