Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing

June 2024

3 Strategies to Supercharge Developer Operational Efficiency

Developer operational efficiency is crucial for streamlining API management processes and empowering development teams to work more effectively. In this blog post, we'll explore three key tips to unlock developer operational efficiency — leveraging API documentation and self-service credential management, automating API lifecycle management, and optimizing resources and performance — using Kong Konnect and Kong Kubernetes Ingress Controller (KIC).

3 Powerful Extensions to Improve Security and Get the Most Out of Kong

OAuth 2.0 is the current gold standard for secure delegated authorization. The reason is simple: OAuth puts control back in the hands of the users. It enables users to securely grant access to their resources without having to share passwords with third-party applications. Hence, it's one of the most widely adopted standards in the industry.

Meet Kong Konnect, Your API Command Center

Build new products faster, improve security, and reduce costs with Kong Konnect. Kong Konnect is one platform to manage them all in one unified control plane: API gateways, AI gateways, ingress, and service meshes. So you can move fast without losing control. That means scaling up to meet demand — and exceeding customer expectations with superior digital experiences. Deployed as a hybrid or a fully managed service, Kong Konnect automates security, federates governance, and lets you adopt AI faster with multi-LLM support.

Bringing Kubernetes-native Sidecars to Kong Mesh

If you're keeping an eye on the service mesh ecosystem, you may have heard a lot of debate about sidecars. Up until recently, there have been some real pain points with sidecars in Kubernetes. As surprising as it sounds, there was actually no real concept of a sidecar at all. With Kubernetes v1.29, a number of those points have been solved with the release of the native sidecars feature. Kong Mesh's most recent release v2.7 adds support for this game-changing feature.

How to Craft and Sign a Custom JWT in Kong Konnect

The JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard that allows information to be transferred securely between different parties. The token is digitally signed by using a private key (HMAC) or a public/private key (RSA) by building a JSON Web Signature (JWS). It guarantees that the JWT hasn’t been modified since its creation.

Down the AI Rabbit Hole: Leveraging AI in Your Projects Without Ending Up Lost in Wonderland

Generative AI is transforming the world around us, and is quickly becoming a part of the conversation as we greenfield new features and applications. It is very alluring to deliver AI features into our existing products, and think about new projects we might build around AI. However, you might have already found that the journey into the realm of AI often feels like tumbling down the rabbit hole into wonderland - a maze of complexity and uncertainty.

What is an AI Gateway?

In this session, Marco Palladino, CTO and co-founder of Kong, discusses the importance of AI gateways in supporting the growing demand for AI and API usage. He explains how Kong's AI Gateway simplifies the creation of AI applications by providing a unified infrastructure layer that abstracts common requirements, such as authentication, authorization, traffic control, and observability.

Accelerate AI Adoption with Enterprise-Grade Security and Control in Kong Gateway 3.7

The latest release of Kong Gateway 3.7 brings exciting advancements in AI integration and API security. With the general availability of Kong’s AI Gateway, organizations can now securely leverage multiple large language models (LLMs) through a unified API, enabling centralized management, usage visibility, and data protection via a powerful AI firewall.

Achieving Zero Trust on VMs with Universal Mesh

Two of the main tenets of Zero Trust are encryption between services and managing the connections each service is allowed to use. Achieving this generally falls to running a service mesh in a Kubernetes cluster. Refactoring applications to run properly in Kubernetes takes time and considerable investment. For many organizations, running their applications on virtual machines will be a necessity for years to come. However, this doesn't mean security should fall behind.

Automating API Delivery with APIOps and Kong

As organizations build more APIs, manual processes and frequent handoffs in the API development workflow can lead to a slower time to market, higher development costs, and poor-quality APIs. They can also result in APIs being poorly documented, causing poor API adoption and lower revenues. APIOps aims to address these issues by automating the entire API lifecycle, leveraging DevOps and GitOps principles. But what is DevOps, and what is GitOps?

API Management is Fundamental to Modernizing Insurance Operations

The concept of insurance predates the printing press and the steam engine. So it's likely no surprise that the industry — as obviously adaptable as it is — often faces challenges related to the modernization of legacy systems. In the age of AI and APIs (application programming interfaces), streamlining operations and modernizing are paramount to success.