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October 2022

Scaling live experiences: Horizontal vs vertical scaling for WebSockets

Live experiences are at the heart of the modern web. And delivering them to small audiences is relatively easy, thanks to protocols such as WebSockets. But there is a challenge. The difficulty involved in scaling WebSockets is non-linear. In other words, there comes a point where serving more clients demands significantly more complex architecture.

The WhatsApp outage highlights our dependence on realtime technology - but why is it so hard to get right?

Billions of people rely on WhatsApp each day to communicate in realtime. Friends exchange memes, expats catch up with their families, businesses take bookings and run customer support, and teams ranging from emergency services to on-call engineers at tech companies even use WhatsApp as their primary communication tool. So when WhatsApp had an hours-long global outage on 25 October 2022, the world noticed.

Visualize Azure serverless workflow progress in realtime with pubsub

A suitable way to update a front-end from back-end processes is to use pubsub over WebSockets. In this video I'll show how to use Ably, a cloud based pubsub service, to visualize the progress of a serverless workflow implemented with Azure Functions and Durable Functions. About Ably Ably is an enterprise-grade pub/sub messaging platform. We make it easy to efficiently design, quickly ship, and seamlessly scale critical realtime functionality delivered directly to end-users. Every day, we deliver billions of realtime messages to millions of users for thousands of companies.