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February 2023

Creating a Typesafe Dictionary: A Beginner's Guide

Have you ever messed up the data structure within your objects and as a result came across irresolvable errors during run-time? If yes, you’re not alone, we have all been there as developers. When the deadline approaches and you have way too many modules to work on somehow these blunders end up becoming a rampant source of misery and confusion. This makes having Typesafe dictionaries and using them throughout your web development project essential.

How to Deploy React App For Free?

React development is one of the most popular and highest-paid front-end development skills. And with its rising popularity, front-end development enthusiasts have flocked to learning and deploying unique development projects in React. However, if you're just a beginner and have created a project you wish to showcase in your portfolio, deploying it in a paid server is not among the best choices.

Package.json vs Package-lock.json

Packages are like the different folders on your computer. You may keep pictures in one, videos in another, or even an application for that matter. Technically, it is a symposium of related classes and interfaces. A set of these packages make up a library. So whenever you install one of these libraries or a package on your computer, that gives you all the functional codes required to run a particular service in the program.

Guide to Using Break and Continue Statements in Python

Do you find yourself frustrated with loops that never seem to end? Do you find yourself wishing you could skip certain iterations or exit a loop prematurely? Python's break and continue statements are here to save you! One of the key features of Python is its ability to control the flow of code using control flow statements. Two of the most commonly used control flow statements in Python are break and continue.

Python Environment Variables

As a modern application, yours always deals with credentials, secrets, and configurations to connect to other services like an authentication service, database, cloud services, microservices, etc. Keeping your username, password, and other login information in the source code of your application is not a good idea because they could be exposed if you share or publish the programme. Before sharing the code, you must delete or remark the credentials, which requires more work from you.

Introduction to Python arrays

An array is a set of items kept close to one another in memory. With just an offset added to a base value, it is possible to determine the position of each element when storing multiple items of the same type together. In Python, an " array " module is used to manage arrays. Although lists can be used like arrays, users cannot specify the kind of elements that can be stored there. Therefore, when using the array module to create arrays, all array components ought to be of the same sort.

How to use JSON in Golang?

JSON is among the most popular data exchange formats, while Go is mainly used for software development. In Go, the encoding/json package provides built-in support for encoding and decoding JSON data. With this package, Go programs can easily read and write JSON data to communicate with external systems, such as web services or databases, or to exchange data between different components of the same program.

API Error Codes: A Beginner's Primer

When building APIs for the first time, it is important to understand error status codes and how they impact the overall performance of the API. Error status codes are essential for ensuring that the API is functioning correctly, communicating errors and warnings to the user or system, and providing a seamless experience. It is important to understand the different types of error status codes, what they mean, and how to interpret them so that your API will function properly.

Class Variables vs Instance Variables in Python

Variables are a fundamental aspect of any programming language, and Python is no exception. As we already know, python variables are used to store values, which can then be utilised in your program. The values can be of different data types, such as integers, strings, lists, dictionaries, and more. Are you familiar with the different types of variables in Python and when to use them?

Introduction to Decorator Function In JavaScript

JavaScript has been the silent revolution in the world of web development. It has made creating new websites much faster and easier for developers. Features such as decoration function in javascript have blessed developers with scalability and adaptability to new user demands effectively. Just imagine the joy of customizing your T-shirt logo however you please whenever you have a new idea, that’s how easy scaling the website functionalities with the decorator function is!

Mastering Mapped Types in TypeScript

Typescript is an open-source and type-centric programming language that is becoming increasingly popular amongst web developers and software engineers. As an improvement to the existing JavaScript language, Typescript has been designed to make development easier, faster, and more efficient. This functionality allows developers to write less repetitious, shorter, and reusable code. In this article, we will learn about advanced TypeScript types built from existing types to allow for code reuse.

The Ultimate Guide to Fix "This Site Can't Be Reached" Error

Are you a casual internet user or a tech-savvy professional? Have you ever been anxious to visit a website and clicked on a link only to be greeted by a blank page and the warning "This site cannot be reached"? Isn’t that so frustrating? When attempting to access a website, the dreaded "This site can't be reached" error can be an annoying and intimidating obstacle. This type of error can occur for a variety of reasons, ranging from a technical issue to an incorrect URL.

A Comprehensive Guide to Tuples in Python

When working with data collection, we occasionally encounter situations where we want to ensure it is impossible to change the sequence of objects after creation. Many data processing algorithms and functions expect data to be in a specific order since the order of the data affects the results of the processing. Python has a built-in sequence data type to store data in an unchangeable object, called a tuple. Tuple will let you store an ordered sequence of items.

rem vs em: Understanding the CSS Unit Basics

CSS is the most important component of modern web design, but implying it effectively can be tricky. One of the most noteworthy concepts to grasp in CSS is the distinction between rem and em. Web developers who want to create flexible and responsive web pages must contemplate the differences between these two units. One of the primary distinctions between rem and em is that an em unit is relative to the font size of its parent element, whereas a rem unit is always relative to the root font size.

Parsing PHP data with JSON encode and decode functions

PHP is a powerful backend developer language. In fact, it is the most used server-side scripting language today. There is a lot of coding that goes behind building a successful website. And all these work on data. The I/O commands written on a disk forms the data, and the resource material you’ve already embedded becomes data. Data can be written in any format - as a string, object, or array.

A Beginner's Guide to PHP cURL Functions

cURL is a PHP library and a command-line tool that enables us to receive and transmit data utilizing URL syntax. It can transmit data in a wide range of forms, including HTTP posts, HTTP gets, FTP uploads and downloads, cookies, SOAP requests and responses, and so forth. Engaging a web server with this PHP extension may entail the most appropriate data which can be retrieved in the webpage database.

A Guide to Math.random() in Java

The Math.random() method in Java is a built-in function which is a part of the java.Math class. One of the main benefits of the Math.random() method is its ease of use. It can be used to quickly generate random numbers within a specified range, making it a popular choice. Another advantage of Math.random() is its performance. It is optimized to generate random numbers quickly, making it an ideal choice for high-performance applications where speed is a concern.