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May 2024

3 Ways to Monetize Your Application Data with Embedded Analytics

Data is one of the most valuable commodities an organization has. Every company stores and manages a substantial amount of information. But how do you gain revenue from it? Here, we discuss three ways you can monetize data with an embedded analytics investment.

Improve Product Stickiness and User Adoption with Embedded Analytics

You’ve heard of throwing ideas at a wall until something sticks–as a product manager, you may find you’re doing the same with application features. For application teams, creating sticky applications that customers can rely on and continue using for years to come is key to maximizing revenue. Elements like intuitive interfaces, personalized experiences, seamless integrations, and valuable core functionalities all contribute to this stickiness.

The Rise of AI in FP&A: How insightsoftware Empowers Your Team

Despite the transformative potential of AI, many financial planning and analysis (FP&A) teams are hesitating, waiting for this emerging technology to mature before investing. According to a recent Gartner report, a staggering 61% of finance organizations haven’t yet adopted AI. Finance has always been considered risk averse, so it is perhaps unsurprising to see that AI adoption in finance significantly lags other departments.

insightsoftware EPM

Discover the seamless financial transformation offered by insightsoftware's EPM solutions in this in-depth What's New video. Explore how businesses can boost productivity, minimize risks, and gain real-time data access, leading to optimized financial processes and enhanced decision-making capabilities. From streamlining business cycles to ensuring accuracy and efficiency in financial governance, this video showcases the power of insightsoftware's EPM solutions in driving tangible value for organizations.

What is a Data Pipeline?

A data pipeline is a series of processes that move raw data from one or more sources to one or more destinations, often transforming and processing the data along the way. Data pipelines are designed to automate the flow of data, enabling efficient and reliable data movement for various purposes, such as data analytics, reporting, or integration with other systems.

Logi Symphony Soars in Latest Dresner Business Intelligence Report

insightsoftware’s Logi Symphony, a leading embedded analytics solution, continues to impress. According to a recent Dresner Advisory Services’ Wisdom of Crowds® Business Intelligence Market Study, Logi Symphony has been recognized as a leader in the field. This recognition highlights Logi Symphony’s commitment to exceptional customer experience and its strong reputation within the BI and analytics industry.

Financial Optimization for SAP Bundle Flyover

Is your finance team spending too much time on data management and not focusing enough on delivering valuable financial insights? Without a proper reporting tool, your finance team is bogged down by manual processes and inefficient reporting cycles. Shorten time-consuming tasks and reduce your dependency on IT with insightsoftware Financial Optimization for SAP. This user-friendly solution provides finance teams with end-to-end process optimization that bridges the SAP to Excel gap, ultimately creating a faster, streamlined, and less error-prone work environment.

Data Accessibility: A Hurdle Before SAP's AI Integration

Unlocking the power of AI within SAP for your team requires overcoming a significant hurdle: data accessibility. SAP data’s complexity, spread across various modules, creates silos of information that your team might struggle to understand and utilize effectively. Inaccessible or misaligned SAP data will hinder your AI system’s ability to learn and deliver valuable results specific to your organization.

Data Prep for AI: Get Your Oracle House in Order

Despite the transformative potential of AI, a large number of finance teams are hesitating, waiting for this emerging technology to mature before investing. According to a recent Gartner report, a staggering 61% of finance organizations haven’t yet adopted AI. Finance has always been considered risk averse, so it is perhaps unsurprising to see that AI adoption in finance significantly lags other departments.