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A Blueprint for Modern Working: Six Hacks for Asynchronous Success From the Mobile Jazz Company Handbook

How do you organize an effective meeting when you don’t have a physical space to hold it? How do you manage workflows across different time zones, when some people are starting work as others go to bed? How do you integrate new people into the culture when you don’t have a physical HR department?

5 Monitoring Tools Every Startup And MVP Should Check Out

As an entrepreneur and the CTO of a young startup, keeping a close eye on the product is at the top of my priorities. To keep improving the product, I’m always alert to new issues; and seeing those issues from different perspectives is key to resolving problems before users are affected. This is where monitoring comes in. In this blog post, I will get you into my stack and share the list of monitoring tools I’m using on a daily basis.

Why 2019 Will Change Everything for Developers

In a hundred years’ time, when the world’s tech writers look back on our primitive technology and chart the rise of the smartphone, they’ll pinpoint three years as being crucial to the technology. The first will be 1994, which saw the release of the IBM Simon, a prototype for the smartphones we recognize today. The second will 2007, when the first iPhone went on sale. The third will be 2019.

New Bugfender React Native Plug-in [New Feature]

Some products you build because you want to. Others you build because you have to. In the case of Bugfender’s brand-new plug-in for React Native, it was definitely the latter. Like the rest of the development world, we’ve come to rely on this cross-platform framework to build killer apps across Android, iOS and web. But that’s not why we’ve built our plug-in. No, it’s because our users were building their own versions!