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How to Plug an Existing User Store into WSO2 Identity Server?

Are you someone who already has a legacy system in place and wants to migrate to a modern authentication system with Identity and Access Management (IAM) features? The first thing you need to consider is how you can use the existing legacy user store with this new system. Keep in mind that if the legacy user store uses an old security mechanism to store your data, we would recommend that you migrate to the WSO2 JDBC user store format or Active Directory (AD).

Local Tests With Selenium And Python Browser Automation

There are various reasons for running Python browser automation tests locally, the most common one for us is saving time. Loadero test runs usually take no more than 5 minutes to initialize and start execution but can reach up to 10 minutes or more depending on how busy is the test run queue. To increase the speed of development, it’s often quicker to create the test script on your local machine and then run tests on Loadero.

API monetization: Technical best practices

Jason Cumberland, CPO and co-founder of API and data monetization platform HyperCurrent, contributed to this post. In our last article on how to get started with API monetization, we laid out how to build your API monetization strategy and avoid common pitfalls that occur when trying to get to your first minimum viable product release.

How Automation Is Changing ALM

The DevOps model has become ubiquitous in product development, integrating teams that historically have worked in silos — to enable faster, more effective responses to business needs. At the heart of a successful DevOps pipeline is a clear workflow that is derived from the development lifecycle. While existing tools are essential to track requirements and artifacts throughout product development, these tools have not always kept up with the complexities of a CI/CD working practice.

Interview With Vaibhav Sinha, CTO of BlocPal

For the next instalment in our series of interviews asking leading technology specialists about their achievements in their field, we’ve invited Vaibhav Sinha, CTO of BlocPal, Vaibhav has been a disruptor behind driving financial inclusion to underbanked areas through innovative technology and payment processing solutions. With more than 22 years of experience, Vaibhav is a leader in the global technology industry.

Using Scientist to Refactor Critical Ruby on Rails Code

Ask any software engineer to review key portions of production code, and inevitably, they will point out three things that need to be refactored. So why does so much bad, brittle, or misunderstood code remain running in production? The answer is simple: engineers are afraid to touch it. Refactoring tasks get identified and added to the backlog, but rarely make it into the current sprint. There are numerous reasons for this.

Don't Know How to Interpret Your Data? Use This Playbook to Master Data Management

Data is everywhere. Whether you’re an executive, a manager, or just trying to keep your head above water in your day-to-day job, the chances are that you’ve had at least one interaction with a set of data this month alone. And if you’ve ever tried to interpret data for yourself or your team, you know how confusing it can be to make sense of it all, understand what information is critical, and what can be left to the wayside.

JavaScript Package Managers: NPM Vs YARN Vs PNPM

Package managers are software tools that help programmers and developers to install, update and uninstall packages of code, libraries, or other software. There are many package managers for a variety of programming languages such as JavaScript's NPM and Ruby's GEM. Package managers typically use metadata to determine which versions of a package are available and the dependencies of each version package managers vary in the type of automated software they install and update.