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The state of edge messaging infrastructure

When it comes to the apps we rely on everyday for chatting with family, checking how close our delivery is, and collaborating with colleagues in a shared whiteboard, we expect seamless realtime experiences without delays or downtime. Ably surveyed over 500 engineering leaders about the challenges of building realtime edge messaging infrastructure in-house to power these shared live experiences.

Leadership Tips: Guiding Focused & Engaged Data Teams

How do you cultivate a focused team, motivated to build something that people will derive value from? A data leader is able to gauge team engagement, knows how to evaluate tech, and recognizes the influence of consumer analytics on innovation. Recently on Data Legends, we spoke with Raheem Daya, Sr.

Spring '22: Accelerate productivity, work smarter, and establish data excellence at scale

At Talend, we hear every day from our customers that healthier data makes it easier to increase revenue, reduce costs, and mitigate risk. But the journey to healthier data isn’t always easy. To support healthy data, organizations must unify data activities across users with different skill sets and levels of technical expertise through intelligence and self-service capabilities.

CodeZero Launches Surf, a New Developer Tool for Observability in Pre-production Kubernetes Environments

CodeZero announces the general availability of Surf, a developer tool that provides real-time, collaborative, rich-querying capability for pre-production Kubernetes environments. Surf allows developers and teams to de-mystify Kubernetes artifacts, provides powerful troubleshooting capabilities and improves collaboration.

Edge messaging: The backbone of live online experiences

Computing advances have taken us full circle. From terminals and a mainframe to individual personal computers, to cloud-based centralization again. Today, the devices we carry with us exceed the power of those original mainframes. They connect and inform us with a range of responsive, live experiences. Where would we be without live sports scores, online chat, order-delivery tracking, or synchronized document collaboration?