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Heureka: building a universal data platform across 9 countries with Keboola and Snowflake

Heureka is the leading e-commerce shopping platform in Central and Eastern Europe, with millions of products from approximately 50,000 online stores in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Under the control of Rockaway, a venture capital firm and the owner of Heureka, the group has expanded into Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria, through the acquisition of Arukereso in 2017.

Unlock Open Banking with Definition-Driven API Development and Virtualization

Open banking is the idea of breaking the monopoly of a few larger banks by letting smaller players get access to customer data, so they too can provide value added services using Application Programming Interfaces (Open APIs) to enable third-party developers to build apps and service around more traditional banking and financial services. So why is it important and how do APIs drive this new concept?

Khan Bank: Using APIs to make banking faster and easier in Mongolia

The Soviet era left Mongolia with a legacy of manual banking processes that requires huge quantities of paperwork. This means that customers need to visit branches frequently for simple things like changing a PIN number or requesting a credit card. Since we count 2.8 million of Mongolia’s 3.3 million citizens as our customers, this could mean long lines at the bank, with an average wait time of 25 minutes for each visit. We wanted to change that.

Data Management at Sklizeno: Making Purchasing, Sales and Management More Effective

In the Czech Republic, Sklizeno needs no introduction to healthy living enthusiasts and fans of local, organic products. The chain of grocery stores stocks mostly Czech but also imported food, with clearly marked origins and guaranteed quality. The first store opened in Brno in 2011; today, Sklizeno Foods, together with the Náš Grunt chain, which the company acquired, operates 46 grocery stores in total.