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Rise of the Data Cloud

It’s only natural to edge forward incrementally. But every once in a while, there is a step-level change that really alters the game. The Data Cloud is exactly that – an opportunity to completely mobilize your data in the service of your business. The Data Cloud is a new type of cloud, so you can avoid bunkering and siloing your data across the infrastructure and application clouds, as well as your on-premise systems.

Snowflake's Product Innovations for 2020

At Snowflake, we are relentlessly focused on our customers and on creating innovative technology to better serve their needs. Today marks another milestone where we demonstrate such focus. In this blog, I detail the latest innovations to our cloud data platform. These new features make even more powerful all six data workloads enabled by our platform – data warehouse, data lake, data exchange, data applications, data engineering, and data science.

Snowflake Service Account Security: (Part 1)

This blog post series will put you in the mind of a defender. In cybersecurity, being a good defender means thinking like an attacker. Part 1 of this blog will focus on understanding why service accounts are excellent targets in the mind of the bad guys, and the threats and attacks a bad guy may use. In Part 2, we’ll lay out how to mitigate the threats and defend against these attacks using the tools Snowflake Cloud Data Platform gives you.