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How to Use MongoDB and Mongoose with Node.js

Mongoose is Object Data Modeling (ODM) for MongoDB. It represents application data as JavaScript objects, mapped to the underlying MongoDB database. You can use Mongoose to model data, enforce schemas, validate models, and manipulate data in a database without familiarity with the underlying database semantics. In this tutorial, you will build an Express server with Mongoose that serves a RESTful API. Let's get started!

A Deep Dive into Subscriptions with Absinthe

In this series, we've seen how to create GraphQL APIs in Elixir using Absinthe. So far, we have only discussed a one-way communication channel where the client makes the queries or mutations, and the server responds. GraphQL also supports a long-running subscription between the client and the server where the server can notify the client of events. This can be very useful in multi-user scenarios where many users might interact with the same resource at the same time.

Add a Form to a Modal in Phoenix 1.7

In part one of this series, we introduced the core generated components when bootstrapping a new Phoenix project. We used a button and a modal from the core components to lay the groundwork for a "create modal". In this post, we will put a form onto the modal and create pets. Let's get started! Note: As in the last post, you can follow along with our companion repo.

An Introduction to Metaprogramming in Ruby

You've heard of metaprogramming: code you write that generates other code dynamically. Without it, Rails as we know it wouldn't (and couldn't) exist. But there's a good chance you've never done it yourself, and it's not hard to see why; even a brief excursion into the realm of metaprogramming can leave you beset with strange and foreign methods, unfamiliar syntax, and downright mystifying blocks of code.

How to Delegate Methods in Ruby

Delegation in programming refers to handing off a task from one part of a program to another. It's an essential technique in object-oriented programming, empowering clean, maintainable code by ensuring that each object or method is responsible for a specific task or behavior. Understanding and using delegation is key to mastering Ruby and other object-oriented languages. Delegation promotes separation of concerns, making your code more modular and easier to understand, test, and refactor.

Observe Your Phoenix App with Structured Logging

In this post, we'll configure a Phoenix LiveView application to use a structured logger. We'll then use AppSignal to correlate log events with other telemetry signals, like exception reports and traces. Along the way, you'll learn about the benefits of structured logging, and you'll see how to configure a distinct framework and application logger in your Phoenix app. Let's get started!

An Introduction to Playwright for Node.js

Test coverage plays a key role in providing bug-free experiences to users. At the same time, writing and maintaining test scripts for different web browsers is cumbersome and time-consuming. Fortunately, there is a solution! Playwright is a cutting-edge tool that makes it easy to automate modern web browsers. Through its powerful API, you can write end-to-end test scripts that run smoothly on different browsers. In this article, we'll cover: Let's dive straight in!

An Introduction to Devise for Ruby on Rails

With over 20,000 GitHub stars and lots of integrations, the Devise gem is one of the most popular gems in the Ruby landscape. So why would we term it one of Ruby's "hidden" gems? Well, as popular as it is, most developers only scratch the surface of the library's capabilities. In this two-part series, we'll take a deep dive into Devise. In this first part, we'll learn some of the basics, including: In part two, we'll look at more advanced usages of Devise, including: Let's get started!

Multithreading with Worker Threads in Node.js

The beauty of Node is that while the main event loop runs in a single thread, some expensive tasks are automatically offloaded to a separate worker pool. These include the I/O-intensive DNS and File System (except fs.FSWatcher()) APIs, as well as the CPU-intensive Crypto and Zlib APIs. All these have a synchronous variation which will block the main thread. This is generally how Node accomplishes concurrency while running on a single thread.