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Why a leading payment services company moved from HP ALM to Xray

With more than three decades of existence, this company in the payments sector supplies modern, dependable, and secure financial services to more than 300 million users and processes more than 7 billion transactions annually. Alongside being a major payment processor in Europe, they are a benchmark in Security and Anti-Fraud solutions and services in Business Process Outsourcing.

How To Build A High-quality BI Dashboard With The Best Software Test Manager

Business intelligence (BI) involves converting data into valuable insights using software and services. It influences a company’s strategic and tactical business preferences. BI tools access and analyze data sets and show analytical results in the form of reports, graphs & charts, dashboards, summaries, and maps. This process provides in-depth insight into the situation of the business.

A Complete Guide to API Contract Testing

The current software development era is an era of microservices. The complexities of large bulky parts of the software have forced us to break them into smaller pieces that can be worked on independently and communicate with each other using lightweight protocols. As a result, we increase the overall efficiency of the system by taking control of more minor things that ultimately combine to make the complete software.

A Detailed Overview on Cloud Testing: Benefits, Types and Tools

Cloud testing is an increasingly popular way of testing applications due to its lower maintenance costs compared to on-premises testing. It utilizes cloud-based tools to simulate real-world traffic and measure performance, scalability, security, and reliability. Through this article, let’s uncover the basics of cloud-based testing, including its types, benefits, and tools. Table Of Contents.

5 Best API Conferences To Attend in 2022

As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, the importance of staying up-to-date on the latest developments in the realm of APIs becomes increasingly vital. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by attending conferences that focus specifically on API-related topics. In the upcoming year of 2023, there are a plethora of such events being held across the globe, each offering valuable insights and opportunities for networking and professional development.

How To Use Mock Data Without Changing Internal Logic

In every job and every company, that day always comes where you find that you…actually need to do some work. And by that, I mean finding new innovative solutions to tasks and projects instead of going with the tried-and-true methods. Recently, my team, of full stack developers were tasked with building a webview app to support our live debugging IDE plugin. This would allow us to align the user experience with our pre-existing web app.

Building realtime experiences: Capabilities and use cases

Internet users increasingly expect their digital experiences to be realtime. To meet this growing expectation, augmenting digital products with realtime features is becoming a priority for many businesses. This is the first post in a multi-part series that looks at what it takes to build and deliver realtime experiences for end-users. This post covers the core capabilities you need to engineer realtime functionality.

Discover the Advantages of Having Global Views from Angles for Oracle

The move to the cloud continues at a fast pace and if your organization embraces the future of operational reporting, then you need a plan to ensure consistent enterprise-wide reporting during your cloud journey. A top challenge of cloud migration is the need to produce consolidated reporting and analytics that cover all your Oracle ERP instances.

A Complete Guide on Beta Testing Apps

When creating iOS or Android apps, you go through the beta testing stage, often done after alpha testing. Consider this a soft launch for your app, allowing your beta testers to try it and provide feedback on what needs improving and what you can remove. Beta testing apps gain real-world experience and learn how your app will operate when used by actual people.