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How Tax Professionals Leverage Software to Become More Strategic

Tax teams are taking on an increasingly strategic role within today’s businesses. However, given the rapid pace of change, many executives are still unaware of the untapped strategic potential within these teams. Watch Now: Tax reporting in a changing world Some organizational leaders may still view the tax department as a group of technicians – specialists responsible for tracking changes in the law, calculating tax liability, and filing the necessary paperwork.

A Virtual Event Planning QA Checklist

Nearly two years into the mass adoption of virtual experiences, many industries are just starting to get a solid footing on fitting virtual events into the flow of their businesses. Leveraging virtual events requires a virtual event planning checklist and QA to ensure attendees can log-in, view, participate, and have outstanding experiences. Maybe you’ve run hundreds of online events, webinars, and conferences and feel confident in your quality.

Why Ecommerce Businesses Need a Data Warehouse Solution

The key points you need to know about data warehousing for Ecommerce include: The fate of Ecommerce businesses can rise or fall based on their decision-making and forecasting skills. By tracking the right metrics and KPIs (key performance indicators), Ecommerce stores can determine if their most recent marketing campaign or product launch was a massive success or an underwhelming disappointment—and if so, how should the organization correct its course?

Make the most of people data to better manage attrition

Workforces across the world have changed rapidly over the past couple of years thanks, in large part, to two major trends. The first is the rapid digitization and transformation of service offerings during the pandemic. As our working lives shifted from office-based to online-based, the services that enable employees to do their jobs had to follow the same pattern. And with working practices predicted to remain a hybrid mix of office and remote-based, these changes are here to stay.

Performance Testing of OAuth 2.0 Secured Apps and Services

LoadFocus now provides easy testing for services that are using OAuth authorization (we support OAuth2.0 as OAuth1.0 was retired in 2012). We support all the OAuth 2.0 grant types: For testing a service that is behind a login (that has OAuth authorization) the only thing the user needs to do is: The call to the authorization server will be done only once before the performance testing of the API endpoints starts.

10 Resources That'll Make You Better At Embedded BI

The benefits of embedded business intelligence (BI) solutions is well documented today: Richer context, deeper integration of data within operational application workflows, and better information on hand for data-driven decision-making. However, you need to find effective resources to uncover the true potential of embedded BI. It can make you a lot better at leveraging the solution. In this post, you will find 10 great resources for enhancing your knowledge and skill of embedded business intelligence.

The Best Cross Browser Testing Alternatives in 2022

There are plenty of cloud-based software testing platforms that give you real test environments to test your website or apps against multiple browser/OS/device combinations. One such platform is Cross Browser Testing. Finding an alternative to Cross Browser Testing is finding a test lab that simply does it better. In today’s article, you’ll get to know about Testsigma alongside four other cross-browser testing alternatives that can meet your organization’s specific needs –