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Testkube for your microservices woes

Enterprises have long relied on monolithic applications to run their operations and provide different functions and services to their customers. Monolithic software is designed to be self-contained; components of the program are interconnected and interdependent. If any program component requires an update, the whole application must be redeployed. As enterprises continue to grow their customer base, they will need to upgrade and scale their monolithic architecture.

What is Microservices Architecture? How it works?

When you have an annual event at school or university, the teacher always assigns separate tasks to different groups of students. Have you ever wondered why she does that? Well, not only does it lighten the load on her but working in a group also makes you more productive and offers you more choices than when you were working alone. In addition, you learn to organize and coordinate with teams and ultimately produce a better result.

Services Oriented Architecture (SOA): Principles, Benefits, and Implementation

In this world of technology, meaningful and understandable software can be controlled easily. While designing the application's architecture, loose coupling between the services is necessary, meaning services should behave as a standalone application. This kind of architecture is called service-oriented architecture because, in this architecture design, we mainly focus on designing separate services and using them to make the whole application.

API Contract Testing For A Design-First World

Today, API-driven microservices applications are a source of speed to innovation and competitive advantage – according to SmartBear’s most recent State of Software Quality – API report: However, this modern way of architecting software doesn’t come without challenges. Neglecting to adapt a new approach to service architecture design with a new approach to the underpinnings – API design and testing – can undermine the efforts.

What is a service mesh?

A service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer that manages traffic, also known as communication, between services in applications composed of containerized microservices. It is a critical component in a microservices architecture, responsible for the secure, fast, and reliable communication between services. This article answers a lot of the questions you may have about service meshes: What are they and how do they work? Who is using them and why?

Three Industries That Rely On Microservices

With the ever-changing demands of business and new technologies, countless companies are ditching monolithic applications in favor of microservices applications. Monolithic application architectures can’t keep up with the consumer requests that microservices applications can. Read on to learn more about the benefits, and to discover which industries rely on microservices in their daily operations.

How a Multiprotocol Development Strategy Can Ease Your Microservices Woes

Finding efficient ways to process, share, and reuse functionality and data is crucial – it’s an important way to break down monolithic applications into more consumable and maintainable microservices. In today’s API-focused world, this translates into multiprotocol development (gRPC, GraphQL, EDAs, etc.) and an enhanced development process (governance, standards, design-first). To understand this, we need to look more closely at protocols.

8 Microservices Trends to Watch in 2022

If you have been following technological trends over the years, then you must have come across the word: microservices. Popularly known as microservices architecture, microservices replaced monolithic architectures. With software development becoming more complex by the day, software applications require regular updates and improvements. To simplify this process, applications are now developed by breaking it down into smaller components that collectively work to serve their users.

Monolithic Applications: A Relic of the Past?

In software development, the monolith architecture has successfully seen the design and development of applications. Most unicorn companies in recent years started their journey using monolithic architecture. However, we’ve seen a significant change and adaptation of microservice architecture patterns in the last few years. The popularity of designing and developing applications using microservices is mainly because of scalability and increased productivity for larger teams and companies.