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Testkube for your microservices woes

Enterprises have long relied on monolithic applications to run their operations and provide different functions and services to their customers. Monolithic software is designed to be self-contained; components of the program are interconnected and interdependent. If any program component requires an update, the whole application must be redeployed. As enterprises continue to grow their customer base, they will need to upgrade and scale their monolithic architecture.

What Is Helix Remote Administration (HRA)?

Often it can be difficult for smaller studios to focus on administrative tasks when key team members wear multiple hats and are constantly being pulled in different directions. That is why we developed Helix Remote Administration, which lets teams focus on their work while our experts set up, maintain, and optimize their Helix Core server.

Creating a Comprehensive Software Quality Assurance Plan for your Project

As a software developer or project manager, you know that ensuring the quality and reliability of your software is crucial to its success. But how do you create a solid SQA plan to help you achieve these goals? This blog post will explore the critical elements of a successful SQA plan and provide tips and techniques for implementing it in your project. We’ll cover topics such as setting clear objectives, defining your target audience, and choosing the right testing tools and techniques.

10 CSS Selectors that will Boost your Coding Skills

CSS is very distinct from other web standards. Cascading Style Sheets, also known as CSS, is a design language employed to create web pages more elegantly designed. An element is selected and styled based on a selector. HTML elements can be styled using CSS selectors. With CSS selectors, you can choose several elements simultaneously. Implying them is valuable if you desire to assign the exact style to more than one HTML element since you won't require to write the exact code twice.

The reverse load test: it worked for us

As holiday season winds down, we can reflect on the reverse load test that we did to make sure our customers could prepare for their own holiday traffic. What’s a reverse load test? OK, it's a term we just made up. But it started like any load test, with two systems: the load generator and the system under test (SUT). The focus of our test, however, was inverted. In normal load tests, testers really care only about how the SUT performs—that’s the point of the test.

Top 6 Python ETL Tools for 2023

Extract, transform, load (ETL) is a critical component of data warehousing, as it enables efficient data transfer between systems. In the current scenario, Python is considered the most popular language for ETL. There are numerous Python-based ETL tools available in the market, which can be used to define data warehouse workflows. However, choosing the right ETL tool or your needs can be a daunting task.

10 API Developer Mistakes to Avoid

With low-code tools on the rise, building an Application Programming Interface (API) is simpler than ever. Given the ease of development, it is easy to overlook potential problems. Taking a bit more time in the design phase can ensure the API is truly useful, secure, scalable, and stable. Here, we’ll discuss the top ten most common API development mistakes to avoid.

Secure Your AWS Lambdas with TypeScript

In the previous part of this series, we optimized our Lambda function. However, our API is open to the public — anyone with the URL can use it and get a response. In this take, we are going to secure our API using a tool called Amazon Cognito. This will only allow authenticated users access to our endpoints. Ready? Let’s go!