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Unlocking the value of tester-developer collaboration

In the era of digital transformation, misalignment between the business leaders steering the overall strategy and the technical experts who build, implement, and maintain solutions is one of the top blockers to a successful sea change. These groups need to be able to collaborate to define what each solution requires and the why behind it.

All You Need to Know about EdgeDB

Today, non-relational, schemaless data models dominate the domain of databases. Non-relational databases are more developer-friendly and scale better than the relational databases of the past. However, it is harder for them to do complex tasks. Now we have a new player in the game to address this issue: EdgeDB. EdgeDB is built on top of PostgreSQL and introduces a new conceptual model for representing data.

Beyond Hyped: Iguazio Named in 8 Gartner Hype Cycles for 2022

We’re so proud to share that Iguazio has been named a sample vendor in eight Gartner Hype Cycles in 2022: Iguazio was mentioned in the following categories: MLOps, Logical Feature Store, Adaptive ML, Data-Centric AI, AI Engineering, AI TRiSM, Operational AI Systems, ModelOps, AI Engineering in HCLS and Continuous Intelligence. We are delighted to have been mentioned alongside global industry leaders like AWS, IBM, Microsoft, Google, Databricks and Dataiku.

The Human Side of the Equation - How Stories Bring Data to Life (Part 2)

As data science has taken center stage in a lot of organizations, many are relearning what they’ve already known – that dry, mathematical calculations don’t inspire and don’t stick. It’s the story that matters. In this second of a two-part blog series, we look at some best practices for data storytelling and how Qlik analytics can help.

What Is Exploratory Testing and Why Is It So Helpful?

We are sure you've heard of Exploratory Testing, and you've probably heard about how amazing it is. (Yes! This is the weapon of choice!) And you may believe you know all of it. You're doing it, your team is doing it, therefore everything should be OK; according to the great book of plans, you're all set.