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Enterprise Capabilities in Collaborator to Tackle the New Normal

As Collaborator’s product manager, I speak with a lot of Enterprise customers throughout the year about their peer review processes, and where they see changes coming during this new age of distributed workforce. I noticed two common challenges that I’d like to explore further in this blog post through the lens of Collaborator.

Accelerate digital transformation with business application platform

2020 has been among the most disruptive years business leaders have ever confronted, with many enterprises absorbing several years of digital transformation over just a few months. These ongoing efforts have not been easy, with numerous organizations finding their existing resources and workflows won’t scale and don’t allow them to move quickly or responsively enough. They need to rethink how transformation occurs and how different parts of the workforce can participate.

Kubernetes vs. Docker

Kubernetes and Docker each play a vital role in modern, microservices-based application development. Since Kubernetes and Docker work in unison to help develop, deploy, and manage large-scale applications – they are not mutually exclusive technologies and they are certainly not in competition with each other. Nevertheless, Kubernetes and Docker are often misunderstood by the non-developer community. To clear up the confusion around Kubernetes vs. Docker, we’ve written this guide.

Node.js Microservices: Developing Node.js Apps Based On Microservices

Node.js application developers, in the ever-evolving business landscape, enjoy tangible advantages while incorporating microservices in Node.js apps development. The microservice architecture, or microservices, is a distinct method of software systems development, which attempts to create modules that are single-function, with well-defined operations and interfaces.

The Future Of The Telco Industry And Impact Of 5G & IoT - Part 3

In the final installment in the series, Vijay Raja, Director of Industry & Solutions Marketing at Cloudera shares his views on how the telecom sector is changing and where it goes next. Hi Vijay, thank you so much for joining us again. To continue where we left off, how are ML and IoT influencing the Telecom sector, and how is Cloudera supporting this industry evolution?

To Perforce or Not To Perforce: That is The Question

As the world keeps spinning and technology keeps progressing ever-further, a lot of focus is being put on optimizing productivity. However, there is an aspect that is being overlooked: adaptivity. Being adaptive as an organization has become critical. It’s not just about your organization, but about helping your clients to be fluent and adaptive as well. In our experience, this means helping the user to get the best experience possible.

The Ultimate Guide to Cluster Analysis

Cluster analysis is a process used in artificial intelligence and data mining to discover the hidden structure in your data. There is no single cluster analysis algorithm. Instead, data practitioners choose the algorithm which best fits their needs for structure discovery. Here, we present a comprehensive overview of cluster analysis, which can be used as a guide for both beginners and advanced data scientists.

Test Management 101: Integrations make continuous integration go 'round

Launching test automation tools in real time is an essential requirement for testers. That way all your results populate in a one-stop shop for continuous integration. Zephyr Enterprise allows you to integrate with Jira, Confluence, Crowd, and LDAP, continuous integration tools like Jenkins and Bamboo, and automation tools like Selenium and QTP/UFT. These diverse integrations enable you to realize the full benefits of these integrated, best-of-breed systems.