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An Introduction to PHP-FPM Tuning

PHP-FPM (or Fast Process Manager) offers several advantages over mod_php, with two of the most notable being that it is more flexible to configure and currently the preferred mode of running PHP by many in the community. However, if you're using your package manager's default configuration settings, then you're likely not getting the most out of it.

How Can I Check My ElastAlert Rule is Configured Correctly?

Making sure that your ElastAlert yaml file is formatted and configured correctly. All of the below points will prevent alerts from being fired but there may not be an error message associated with the problem. It is possible you may need to contact support to investigate this issue for you. Make sure to proof read the rule you have written to ensure that it is what you expect to see as most of the issues regarding ElastAlert not working correctly is related to the points above.

Scale-Up vs. Scale-Out Storage: Tips to Consider

In the Data Age 2025 report, worldwide data is expected to grow 61% to 175 zettabytes by 2025. The enterprise sector, in particular, generates more than 30% each year. To be ready for a digital future, consider the scaling strategy of data infrastructure beforehand. Scale-up and scale-out are the main ways to add capacity to your infrastructure.

Our Journey to Becoming a Visionary in the Gartner Magic Quadrant

It is that time of year again. The much anticipated 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Analytics and Business Intelligence Platforms has been published, and we are elated and humbled to announce that Yellowfin has been recognized as a “Visionary” in this year’s report. It’s our seventh consecutive year in the quadrant and just like last year, we believe we have made the most significant leap of any vendor in it.

How Application of Artificial Intelligence is Transforming Business

Artificial intelligence works on the principle of human intelligence. The machines are programmed in such a way that they think like humans and can imitate our actions. They can be designed to execute all types of tasks from complex to simple ones. The primary task machines can perform are learning, reasoning and perception.

How to Write Unit Tests for Kotlin

Writing tests is an underappreciated part of software development. It usually distracts us from our primary goal and makes us feel we aren’t being productive. However, these tests are a great way to ensure our code works as expected, and they can save us plenty of headaches when we don’t have full control of certain parts of a project (for example, when we are working on the client app and another colleague is working on the server).

What is embedded analytics

What is embedded analytics? Embedded analytics is the integration of analytical capabilities and data visualizations - real-time reports and dashboards - into another software application. This allows the end user to analyze the data held within the software application into which the analytics platform is embedded. With this analysis, the end user can identify and mitigate issues and spot opportunities to maximize.

Why monitoring website performance is important?

Nowadays, in the era of instant gratification, when everyone want everything in a matter of moments, understanding the performance of your website, web application, web service is more important than has ever been. Using web performance tools to understand how your application behaves is easy and a best practice that you should follow on a daily basis.