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How Signals can be used with Google Analytics

Lots of organizations use Google Analytics and Google Insights to monitor the effectiveness of their digital marketing, but the information it delivers is almost meaningless. If you want to discover changes as they happen or be able to react to changes that you’re making to your website or digital campaigns you should apply Signals to Google Analytics.

Introducing Talend Pipeline Designer

Are you looking to get the most from your digital transformation projects? Do you often wish there was an easier way to integrate all your streaming and cloud data without the complexity of traditional ETL tools? Well, now there is a simple cloud solution for all your data integration challenges. Talend Cloud just got even better with Pipeline Designer, a next-generation data integration design environment for modern data engineering.

Pipeline Designer Use Case: Real-time Retail Analytics

Welcome to Talend's Pipeline Designer, a self-service web UI that makes streaming data integration accessible, easy, and fast. Within this video, I’ll construct a pipeline using customer order data streaming from a website selling women’s clothes and shoes. Using some of Pipeline Designer’s most prominent processors and features, I’ll be able to calculate in real-time a customer's total basket price while also gaining early insight into potentially fraudulent activity.

Why every software application you're building needs embedded analytics

Embedding analytics into applications is a great opportunity for software vendors to create an enormous amount of value for their customers and their own business. To do this well, you can partner with an analytics vendor, but there are three things to look out for if you do.

Nationwide on the Customer's Side: Modernizing Legacy Systems with APIs

Nationwide Mutual Insurance, a 93-year-old Fortune 100 company, has embraced digital transformation, setting out on a mission to modernize legacy systems. Tune into this conversation with Rick Schnierer, AVP at Nationwide, and John Rethans, Head of Digital Transformation Strategy at Google Cloud’s Apigee team, to learn about the role APIs play in accelerating IT services and streamlining development and integration.