Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Why Yellowfin is the BI platform of choice in the healthcare industry

We’ve got a lot of customers in the healthcare space. It’s a really interesting space to be in from an analytics perspective because our customers are based across the world and have a wide variety of use cases - from financial administration all the way through to hospital performance and risk metrics.

5 best practices to deliver trust in your data project: Tip #1 Master Data Quality

During Summer, The Talend Blog Team will relay to share fruitful tips & to securely kick off your data project. This week, we’ll start with the first capability: make sure the data you create, develop and share within your organization stay clean and governed.

Continuous Integration made easy in the Cloud with Talend

In this blog I would like to highlight a new capability from our latest 7.2 Studio and its integration with Talend Cloud in the Summer ‘19 release. While this feature could be seen as a light improvement aiming to ease the life of Talend users, it’s in fact much more than that! While Talend has been delivering CI/CD capabilities for a very long time, the continuous integration tools landscape is evolving fast.

Building Metrics Pipeline for High-Performance Data Collection

This is part three in a series discussing the metrics pipeline powering Kong Cloud. In previous posts in this series, we’ve discussed how Kong Cloud collects, ships, and stores high volumes of metrics and time-series data. We’ve described the difference between push and pull models of collecting metrics data, and looked at the benefits and drawbacks of each from a manageability and performance perspective.

Data Privacy through shuffling and masking - Part 1

Protecting sensitive data can be a challenging task for companies. In a connected world in which data privacy regulations are continually changing, some technics offer strong solutions for staying compliant with the latest requirements such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States or the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe.

Apigee API Generator: Easily Create APIs For Your Apigee Suite

Apigee is great at managing your existing APIs – but how can you bring new technologies into your Apigee suite that lack an appropriate API? As it happens, DreamFactory is perfectly suited to creating a REST API fast for whatever datasource you need, and it can now be plugged straight into Apigee.

Apigee API Generator: Easily Create APIs For Your Apigee Suite

Apigee is great at managing your existing APIs – but how can you bring new technologies into your Apigee suite that lack an appropriate API? As it happens, DreamFactory is perfectly suited to creating a REST API fast for whatever datasource you need, and it can now be plugged straight into Apigee.

3 reasons mobile business intelligence apps have minimal adoption in your business (and how to fix it)

It’s no secret that, despite the huge movement toward sustainable living, we just can’t live without some things being instant. One such crutch for students worldwide and most of Asia’s young adult population (also the entire American prison system) are the ubiquitous instant noodles. 100 billion servings are eaten every year. It’s convenience in a cup.