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Best 14 CI/CD Tools You Must Know | Updated for 2019

“Quality at Speed” is the new norm in software development. Enterprises are making their moves toward DevOps methodologies and Agile culture to accelerate the delivery speed and ensure product quality. In DevOps, a continuous and automated delivery cycle is the backbone that makes fast and reliable delivery possible. This results in the need for proper continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) tools.

Have you checked out Talend's 2019 summer release yet?

Have you had a chance to take a look at Talend’s summer 2019 product release? Our 2019 release has some exciting features that not only will help improve your productivity but will help you scale data projects across your organization. We are all about helping you do your work faster, and we think you’ll find the new features in this latest product release pretty great.

5 Best Practices for Securing Microservices at Scale

As outlined in a previous article on security challenges for microservices, DevOps are getting more widely distributed, spread thin, and forced to plan for higher levels of interactivity as well as evolving national security “backdoor” measures. Microservices, born from a still-emerging DevOps laboratory environment, can be deployed anywhere: on-prem, in the public cloud, or a hybrid implementation.

Introducing Kuma: The Universal Service Mesh

We are excited to announce the release of a new open source project, Kuma – a modern, universal control plane for service mesh! Kuma is based on Envoy, a powerful proxy designed for cloud native applications. Envoy has become the de-facto industry sidecar proxy, with service mesh becoming an important implementation in the cloud native ecosystem as monitoring, security and reliability become increasingly important for microservice applications at scale.

ELK with Talend cloud

ELK is the acronym for three open source projects where E stands for Elasticsearch, L stands for Logstash and K stands for Kibana. ELK is a robust solution for log management and data analysis. In this blog, I am going to show you how to configure ELK while working with Talend Cloud. The blog will focus on Loading Streaming Data into Amazon ES from Amazon S3.

The New API - "Application People Interfaces"

In my experience as a digital consultant for Google Cloud’s Apigee team, I’ve found that when a technology gets classified as “middleware,” it’s often encumbered with a scarlet letter of sorts. Business leaders find it unexciting — so much so that they often resign it to the purview of technology professionals and don’t spare a second thinking about it.

How to Deploy a Frontend on Kubernetes?

Kraken is a load testing solution currently deployed on Docker. In order to use several injectors (Gatling) while running a load test, its next version might rely on Kubernetes. This blog post belongs to a series that describe how to use Minikube, declarative configuration files and the kubectl command-line tool to deploy Docker micro-services on Kubernetes. It focuses on the installation of an Angular 8 frontend application served by an NGinx Ingress controller.