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Embedded iPaaS: Implementation types, features, pros and cons

The significance of embedded iPaaS has significantly risen in the past months. This can be easily seen by reviewing the search volume for the keyword “embedded iPaaS” – if in October 2019, for example, there were only a handful of queries for this term, by the first quarter of 2022, the search volume has increased by 1500%. Yes, you’re reading it right, this is not a typo – by one thousand five hundred percent.

ERP integration guide | Common scenarios, challenges, methods

The phrase “We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided”, though coming from the fictional Albus Dumbldore character in the Harry Potter saga, can also perfectly illustrate the importance of ERP integration to companies. An ERP system is often considered to be the backbone of an enterprise whether it is an eCommerce, supply chain, manufacturing or healthcare business.

What is API Integration and How Can it Help Your Business?

API integration uses application programming interfaces to share data and improve the functionality of apps. API integration tools can also assist digital transformation, which streamlines business processes, creates more opportunities for automation, and brings more flexibility to IT ecosystems.