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The State of Agency-Client Collaboration in 2024

Most agencies struggle with the same challenge: proving the value of their work to their clients and showcasing performance in an understandable way while ensuring internal processes are streamlined and optimized. You usually have no time to build complex reports across multiple platforms for every client. The data you need is scattered across different sources, and most of your processes require manual data collection and calculations.

Predictions: The Cybersecurity Challenges of AI

Our recently released predictions report includes a number of important considerations about the likely trajectory of cybercrime in the coming years, and the strategies and tactics that will evolve in response. Every year, the story is “Attackers are getting more sophisticated, and defenders have to keep up.” As we enter a new era of advanced AI technology, we identify some surprising wrinkles to that perennial trend.

5 Strategies for Contextualizing Your Numbers With CXO

In the intricate world of finance, numbers are more than mere figures; they are the threads that weave the tapestry of a company’s story. Financial statements, though essential, often hide critical narratives within their numerical maze. Extracting meaningful insights requires expertise and contextual understanding. Even the financially astute can overlook vital details buried in these reports.

How Not to Drown in Numbers | Sudheesh Nair (ThoughtSpot) & Jai Das (Sapphire Ventures)

A replay from Slush 2023: How Not to Drown in Numbers — Data as a Springboard to Success We are a generation drowning in data. Accumulating endlessly, it is useless without analysis. And while it’s crucial for success, one outdated or missed fact can drag you under. How can businesses leverage accurate data quickly to take meaningful action?

Top 3 Data and Analytics Trends to Prepare for in 2024

2023 was a year of significant developments in the fields of business intelligence (BI) and analytics. With a 50% rise in overall adoption of self-service BI solutions, continued focus on data governance and data security, and ever-evolving integration of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) in analytics, many businesses have transformed their use of data considerably.

My Top 5 Data Moments for 2023

Data has had quite the year, hasn’t it? I have worked in the data and analytics space more years than I would like to admit, but I can honestly say that it’s been one of the most exciting, wild rides in recent memory. Qlik has been along for that ride, and brought quite a bit of excitement all on its own. So I thought I would recap the five moments that really stand out for me from the world of data… and Qlik in 2023. But, hang on.