Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Snowflake Automation: The Key to Scalability and Efficiency

Snowflake is a powerful cloud data warehouse platform that can help businesses of all sizes manage and analyze their data. However, as the volume and complexity of data grows, it can become increasingly challenging to manually manage Snowflake workloads. Snowflake automation can help businesses overcome these challenges in data engineering by automating repetitive tasks and workflows.

Enterprise Apache Kafka Cluster Strategies: Insights and Best Practices

Apache Kafka® has become the de-facto standard for streaming data, helping companies deliver exceptional customer experiences, automate operations, and become software. As companies increase their use of real-time data, we have seen the proliferation of Kafka clusters within many enterprises. Often, siloed application and infrastructure teams set up and manage new clusters to solve new use cases as they arise.

An Introduction to REST API with Python

REST API is an acronym that stands for Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface. REST APIs are used to create "web services" in HTTP requests, which provide data between client and server applications. This article will cover some of the basics of REST APIs and will also walk you through making a basic API using Python. Here are the 5 key takeaways from the article.

The Official 2024 Checklist for HIPAA Compliance

When considering some of the latest statistics related to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) violations and consequences, ensuring compliance is more critical than ever. For example, healthcare data breaches are increasing year-over-year, yet 75% of healthcare organizations say their infrastructure is not prepared to respond to cybersecurity threats effectively. HIPAA is a U.S. federal law.

The 7 Best Reporting Tools for 2024

Reporting tools solve a key problem for businesses by enabling them to communicate data in a way that is accessible, easy-to-understand, and useful for both frontline staff and management teams. These tools take raw data and turn it into tables, charts, and graphs ready for consumption, turning complicated data into visuals that better enable users to spot patterns and trends.

Asynchronous Events | Microservices 101

Asynchronous events are a communication pattern that is used to build robust and scalable systems. These events are often pushed through a messaging platform such as Apache Kafka. Among their benefits are the ability to optimize resource usage, more flexibility for scaling, and new ways to recover from failure without losing data.