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How ThoughtSpot Partnered with Google Cloud to put AI at the center of BI

At ThoughtSpot, we believe making data accessible to every knowledge worker requires human-centered technology—an analytics experience that bridges the “language” barrier between technology and people. AI is the perfect compliment to search because it empowers organizations to analyze, understand, and act on data.

ETL vs ELT: 5 Critical Differences

In the world of data management, the debate between Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) and Extract-Load-Transform (ELT) is an increasingly relevant topic. The essential difference lies in the sequence of operations: ETL processes data before it enters the data warehouse, while ELT leverages the power of the data warehouse to transform data after it's loaded.

Unlock the Full Potential of Hive

In the realm of big data analytics, Hive has been a trusted companion for summarizing, querying, and analyzing huge and disparate datasets. But let’s face it, navigating the world of any SQL engine is a daunting task, and Hive is no exception. As a Hive user, you will find yourself wanting to go beyond surface-level analysis, and deep dive into the intricacies of how a Hive query is executed.

Salesforce Automation Tools: Streamline Your Sales Process

Mastering Salesforce means taking advantage of every tool that can optimize your workflows and improve efficiency. Salesforce offers a few process automation tools that make it easy for you to automate repetitive tasks, such as sending notifications, collecting data, and comparing metrics. Curious to learn more about how Salesforce automation tools work? This complete guide will help everyone in your organization.

How Generative AI Will Impact the Pharmaceutical Industry

By Noam Harel In the ever-changing landscape of the pharmaceutical industry, the integration of generative artificial intelligence (AI) holds immense promise and potential alongside risk, patient and consumer safety and tight regulation. Generative AI refers to the ability of machines to autonomously create new and unique content, ideas, or solutions.