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Calving Apache Iceberg

Apache Iceberg is an open-source high-performance format for huge analytic tables that brings the reliability and simplicity of SQL tables to big data. It enables engines like Spark, Trino, Flink, Presto, Hive, and Impala to work with the same tables, simultaneously and safely. Discover how Apache Iceberg can transform the way you store and manage your big data, and take your analytics to the next level.

Salesforce Data Integration

Salesforce has become an indispensable tool for managing customer relationships in various organizations. But did you know that by syncing Salesforce data with other platforms and feeding data into Salesforce, your organization can develop a more complete view of your customers? This is where the concept of Salesforce data integration comes into play, enabling your team to act on valuable insights swiftly.

Understanding the Elasticsearch Query DSL: A Quick Introduction

Elasticsearch is a distributed search and analytics engine that excels at handling large volumes of data in real time. When we have such a large repository of data, singling out the most suitable context can be a grueling task. And precisely that’s why we query. Querying allows us to search and retrieve relevant data from the Elasticsearch index with relative ease. Elasticsearch uses query DSL for this purpose. Query DSL is a powerful tool for executing such types of search queries.

The Showdown: Snowpark vs. Spark for Data Engineers

Should you migrate your big data workflows from Spark to Snowpark? Are you wondering what all the fuss is about? You’ve come to the right place. In this article, Snowpark and Spark go head-to-head as we compare their crucial features. We’ll discuss the tradeoffs between the two tools, backing our claims with evidence from a benchmarking analysis. Discover the best tool based on.

CDP Private Cloud | Cloud-native analytics on-premises

In this demo, you'll learn how CDP Private Cloud, Cloudera's on-premises private open data lakehouse leverages Kubernetes technology to deliver cloud-native data storage, processing, and analytics capabilities in and air-gapped environment. We also delve into example modern data use cases that can run on CDP Private Cloud today, including large language models for training in-context enterprise AI, running an air-gapped data lakehouse with Apache Iceberg, and all your data can be underpinned by Apache Ozone for object storage akin to cloud storage.

Salesforce Data Enrichment: What You Need to Know

Your CRM software is the backbone of your business, empowering sales reps and marketing teams with valuable customer insights. Salesforce, the world's leading CRM software with nearly 20 percent market share, offers a wealth of features and functionality that many organizations have yet to fully explore.

Moving Data From MySQL to Redshift: 4 Ways to Replicate Your Data

MySQL is the most popular open-source and free database in the world because it is powerful, flexible, and extremely reliable. But when it comes to data analytics, many companies turn to Amazon Redshift to complement MySQL. There are several ways to replicate your MySQL data to Redshift. But first, let’s dig a little deeper into why you should replicate your MySQL database to Redshift.

Running a BI Team with limited resources

Business Intelligence (BI) teams often face several resource constraints that can impact their ability to deliver their objectives effectively. They must run effective operations with limited time, resources, budget and people. The role can be incredibly challenging when multiple projects are highly prioritised, where data and reports were required yesterday. That said, there are ways to make these challenges more manageable.