Systems | Development | Analytics | API | Testing


Getting Started with Talend Open Studio: Building Your First Job

In the previous blog, we walked through the installation and set-up of Talend Open Studio and briefly demonstrated key features to familiarize you with the Studio interface. In this blog, we will build a simple job to load data from a local file into Snowflake, a cloud data warehouse technology. More specifically, we will build a new job that takes customer data from your local machine and maps it to a target table within Snowflake.

Talend API Tester - Technical Overview

Welcome to the Talend API Tester. The Talend API Tester works hand-in-hand with the Talend API Designer to create test scenarios that emulate real-life use cases to ensure newly created API’s have been properly configured. The Tester also works with Talend Studio, helping developers test their API implementation. This video will provide a quick introduction to the API Tester application.

Talend Studio Dynamic Distribution Support

The release of Talend 7 is our biggest yet, introducing improvements to cloud, big data, governance and developer productivity. But it is nearly impossible to keep up with every Platform’s release schedule. That’s why, in this latest release, we offer Dynamic Distribution Support for both Hortonworks and Cloudera with support for others coming soon.

Data Management at Sklizeno: Making Purchasing, Sales and Management More Effective

In the Czech Republic, Sklizeno needs no introduction to healthy living enthusiasts and fans of local, organic products. The chain of grocery stores stocks mostly Czech but also imported food, with clearly marked origins and guaranteed quality. The first store opened in Brno in 2011; today, Sklizeno Foods, together with the Náš Grunt chain, which the company acquired, operates 46 grocery stores in total.

Daniel Gorol, Hello bank!: Classic Corporate BI Tools Would Be a Financial Suicide for Us

Until last year, it was called Cetelem, a provider of consumer credit and credit cards. In the autumn of 2017, BNP Paribas’ subsidiary was transformed into a new bank. Hello bank! caters for retail clients and has come up with several new products, so far not made public, for them this year. We visited the company for comments and news from the bank’s data back-office.

Lukáš Uhl at Pietro Filipi: I base my opinions on data

Czech fashion brand Pietro Filipi has been producing clothes since 1993; since autumn 2017, a new owner has been at the helm. Michal Mička’s C2H investment firm bought 80% of Pietro Filipi, with the aim of reviving the brand’s prosperity and supporting its expansion both abroad and into e-commerce.

Introducing Talend API Services: Providing Best in Class Purpose-Built Applications

Have you heard? Talend Fall ’18 is here and continues on Talend’s plan to meet the challenges of today’s data professionals around organizing, processing and sharing data at scale. Earlier Jean-Michel Franco wrote up about the Data Catalog portion of this exciting Fall 2018 launch. In this blog I’d like to focus on our new API features.

Business intelligence, minus the dashboard?

For over 30 years, the dashboard has been the delivery paradigm of choice for decision support and executive information systems. It started with Business Objects and Cognos, and today Qlik, Tableau, Power BI and other vendors are still using dashboards as the medium of data delivery. Rather than thinking about whether there’s a better way to deliver insights, dashboard dinosaurs just keep using the same paradigm.