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New BigQuery UI features help you work faster

Since announcing our new interface back in July, our goal has been to make it easier for BigQuery users and their teams to uncover insights and share them with teammates and colleagues. Whether you’re a veteran or brand new to BigQuery, we wanted to highlight some of the major improvements we’ve made to the interface in the past five months. Some of this functionality was previously available in the classic UI, while other elements are totally new. Let’s take a closer look.

5 BI and Analytics Predictions for 2019

The analytics and business intelligence market is set to undergo unprecedented change in 2019. Driven by new technologies like AI and machine learning, along with advances across the cloud ecosystem, data leaders face tremendous transformation - and opportunity. Here are five predictions for what the analytics ecosystem holds for 2019.

An Introduction to Apache Airflow and Talend: Orchestrate your Containerized Data Integration and Big Data Jobs

In my last blog I described how to achieve continuous integration, delivery and deployment of Talend Jobs into Docker containers with Maven and Jenkins. This is a good start for reliably building your containerized jobs, but the journey doesn't end there. The next step to go further with containerized jobs is scheduling, orchestrating and monitoring them.