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Fantasy Football

Remember that feeling right after your fantasy football draft, when you were certain that you had just drafted the championship team? Fast forward to the close of fantasy football week eleven, how is that team looking now? For me, I am battling for one of the last playoff spots in my league and I am holding my own in daily fantasy football – never quite playing the perfect combination of players.

Scaling Interactive and Insightful Dashboards with Data Studio and BigQuery (Next Rewind '18)

Large datasets in BigQuery might make it cost prohibitive to scale dashboard solutions. Unless carefully designed, solutions can lead to queries piling up with repeated viewing and result in significant costs in BigQuery. Google Data Studio lets users build interactive shareable data visualizations using their BigQuery data.

Analytics + Automation = More bad news

We’re in the early stages of a dramatic transition for the analytics industry. More and more of the jobs that were previously done by analysts are being automated. Technology is changing the way organizations receive information. People are being alerted to both good and bad news as it happens and this has profound behavioral consequences for organizations.

Analytics + Automation = More bad news

We’re in the early stages of a dramatic transition for the analytics industry. More and more of the jobs that were previously done by analysts are being automated. Technology is changing the way organizations receive information. People are being alerted to both good and bad news as it happens and this has profound behavioral consequences for organizations.

Building Fast-twitch Organizations

In today’s digital world, staying ahead of the curve is a constant challenge for organizations. The pace of business is exponentially higher now than it was even a decade ago. Technology is evolving, and the ability to keep current has become a critical success factor. Organizations need to embrace constant and rapid change. They need to equip all employees with information, motivation, and support to think critically and systemically, allowing them to innovate and reduce waste.

Finding data insights faster with BigQuery and GCP Marketplace solutions

There are plenty of trends and hot topics in the enterprise technology market today. One common area we hear about from users is that there’s a lot of data to collect, manage, and analyze. And whatever industry you’re in, you probably want to do something more with your data. We built BigQuery, one of the important tools in the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) arsenal, to provide serverless cloud data warehousing and analytics with built-in machine learning to meet modern data needs.

A Serverless Architecture for Big Data

A popular term emerging from the software industry over the last few years is serverless computing, more commonly referred to as just “serverless”. So what does it mean? In its simplest form, a serverless architecture is a computing model where a service provider dynamically manages the allocation of computing resources based on a Service Level Agreement (SLA), provisioning and running resources only for the time needed and without requiring end-user involvement.